It’s coming…

Once again another birthday is coming on upon me.  I used to go crazy and throw extravagant parties where I would get super dressed up, buy expensive outfits, go to fancy dinners and have crazy club/lounge parties.  Yes, one of them was at a circus-themed club.

As the years have passed, my parties have calmed down and been more casual, to the point where I just stopped and decided to spend my day relaxing.  Vegas with the girls became Maine with my dog. [I guess it’s still going somewhere with one of my “bitches” right? Hahaha…ok I found it funny in my head]

Lately, I’ve lost a lot of faith in friendship with friends, but I’ve also found out how strong some of my true friendships are.

I’ve gone through a lot in the past year and a half, tons of transitions, but in all of that I have been finding myself.  I spent a whole day crying the other day because I was so mad… not at realizing my friend wasn’t really my friend, but that I do so much for people and I never ask for anything back – and I get nothing back.  I realized I had to rethink who to trust, who to love, who to still talk to and who to just give up on.

I try too hard.

Thank you to everyone who was there for me to help me through that situation.

One of my friends, who usually isn’t usually into this emotional hoodoo voodoo stuff said to me “Tiffie, dear, it shouldn’t matter why you’re upset, the fact that you ARE upset is ALL that should matter to a true friend”  And it hit me. it’s true.  I was upset, and hit with reasons why I shouldn’t be upset because I was a worse person.  The whole conversation had nothing to do with who was a bad friend but that’s what it became.

I had written a whole blog post about it, but I’m not that person anymore to rant about that sort of stuff on here anymore.

The whole point of this post is that I’m not the same person I used to be.  Happy silly party girl.  I admit it, it’s sort of disgusting to look back on.  Even a few years ago I was buying designer bags and heels and dressing up every single day… now you’re lucky if you can get me to brush my hair, put on any makeup and wear contacts – HAHA!  Gross, I know… but I like to think of it being me comfortable with ME being ME.

And back to the whole friend thing up above… bye to the negativity in my life.  I keep the good, I don’t care about the bad.

Yup, still gonna say something. Ball is is her court for her to show what kind of person she is.

*Drops the mic*

PS. Arrow and The Flash are the best shows ever. Baby Driver is the best movie I’ve seen in forever.

The end.

Not my typical Sunday

I had an amazing day… I woke up at 730am to get ready for my RPI Alumni meets new students brunch all the way in Medford.  Being the lazy person that I am, and a sleep-in-aholic, I almost didn’t go… but I read a few cards and they all said that today was going to be good.  And it was good.  In fact, it was great.  It started a bit rough, I had some personal issues I’m STILL dealing with (ugh!) but after a bit of this and that, I got over it and had a great time at the brunch!

This is all I got to say:

The event was so much fun!  All the alumni got to introduce themselves and have a little speech about what they did and advice for the new frosh coming in.  I was the only non-engineer and was kooky and, I feel, the most truthful about the whole situation.  I just told them to have fun, enjoy themselves…  don’t feel forced to join anything and just attend all the events that you want to, but DO attend events.

Talked to a lot of recent grads, a lot of future frosh and their parents, it was a really great time!  In fact, I was the first person to win from the raffle! WOOT!  I also had a LOT of sugar and coffee….. I’m totally going to be attending a lot more of these alumni events from now on.  Everyone was super nice and fun to talk to.  Tons of swag, food and beverages too.  I felt like I should’ve tossed in a 20$ or something.

Afterwards, after planning on a movie, eating and tattoos…. it ended up just being a nice relaxing day on a couch with mimosas and tequila and marathoning Penny Dreadful, eating real food…. but, my fault for choosing Greek, “OK” gyro plates….[DIY meh gyros, meh.. pitas broke apart, chicken was dry, but the veg was fresh and the tzatziki sauce was on point] and just being happy me, with company of course :]

Penny Dreadful is SUCH an amazing show.  We marathon’d a whole season and then some.  And every character is just so intriguing!  It’s amazing.. it’s like watching a neverending horror movie with a perfectly casted cast. << haha.

Cast-Slider_001Penny Dreadful219014df5468f67d6f6e1a6f7720e48c61efe96690c4b36408216f84c0ebfff6

And so then now what?

Today is the first day of my Birthday month…. there will be dinners, parties, more time with my own Mr. Gray, travel to NC to see my Amanda, traveling…. and just being happy.  And hopefully no more of that outside negativity in my life. How does one stay so obsessive to the point of crazy?  Thankfully it doesn’t affect my life and who I am, I just don’t care [re-watch Demi video above]

And that said, I’m going to bed, goodnight my loves. XOXO.


♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ Happy Birthday Mommy!!!! ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥

Once upon a time…. a baby was born into the world…. on September 23, 19xx – She was a fiesty stubborn girl who grew up to be a fine, well educated lady, sister, daughter, wife, friend, and above all else, a mother.

To the one who brought me into this world…. and loved me for every second.  Who, now even at my age, looks at me and sees a sweet innocent naive girl (Every once in awhile haha).

To the one who will play dress up with me and attend events.

And vacation with me and make goofy selfie faces.

The the courageous tiny little 5’2″ woman who gave birth to me….. someone who turned out to be 5’7.5″

Where we can both wear shirts so tacky we make it look GOOD!!!! #swag

The loving “grandma” to my baby… my daughter, Dior (Didi) my furbaby!

To the lady who has stayed forever young in my eyes.  And the most honest (sometimes to a fault) but blunt and intelligent (sometimes irrational but aren’t we all?)

Who will be goofy and wear surgical masks with me in Asia….

….And of course someone who will take a bathroom mirror selfie with me. (ps I got my legs from her HEE HEE)

Thank you, my beautiful mommy for bringing me into this world and have strung along me through the good and the bad the whole time.  Even when we had very little you gave me everything, the world, and then some.  You have let me travel places, eat anything, brought tears to my eyes from telling me you love me and also when I feel like I have disappointed you.  While we bicker and fight a lot, I know that you do it through love and I love you as well.  Happy Birthday you are the greatest and you deserve the best – sorry I haven’t always been the best daughter to you but I will try.  I promise. I don’t know if I’ll ever be as great of a woman you have been so far but I will try.  I love you.

Your Baby, Always, Tiffany

Birthday, Life sometimes sucks, Stay positive!!!

And for all those who knows me, I literally celebrate all freaking month!  I’d say it all started with going to me buying myself Yankees vs Red Sox tickets, 3rd row VIP 5 Seconds of Summer tickets and amazing One Direction tickets.  Hey if I can’t get a guy to take care of me, I can do it myself.

SO the original plan was Napa Valley.  But a few things came up (family stuff) so I’ll have to celebrate here in Massachusetts.  Hey, I’m not getting any younger so might as well do it up the fun way. Dave & Buster’s in Woburn.  So anytime after 3pm please feel free to come by… it’ll probably for awhile….thinking of a place for dinner, but it may be intimate or just not necessary :]

Dave & Buster’s
271 Mishawum Road, Woburn, MA 01801
(781) 496-4900

Anytime after 3PM – May post about brunch or watch twitter or FB about earlier…..

Recently I have been letting a lot of negativity go in my life and focusing of the positive… I’ve been having  relaxing days at work, thought things through, meditated a bit and all the negativity in me just rushed out. I am at peace and one with myself.  Emptied. (Or wait maybe I’m just literally empty and hungry right now) So in light of that some happy things.

– For example, my bestie, my sister, Kate’s dad, which is like my second dad, has been very ill and in and out of the hospital – she created the cutest CUTEST website for him Papa’s Mickey.  Although not the happiest thing and I wish he wasn’t so sick but we are gonna stay as positive as possible!!!!!

Modern Dauphine is now… sort of running now… we just need to get all the podcasting and store up.  And go from not just blogging to a full blown interactive social website.  But we do have an instagram now as well.  Check out my 20 Questions.

– I am also doing that for my own personal website as well.  So look forward to that.  That are a lot of old posts that the photos are all messed up and stuff so I’ll be keeping some good ones, fixing them or just leaving them on here as an “archive” for people to check out, I kind of want to start fresh and new. I have a great team helping me out with this project. I finally have my “image” created – I drew me, in vector, instead of just regular photography – for now – to not “sex it up” too much – for now, I have a few wanting to do me but it seems sketchy or just money grubbing. Haha.  Plus I do really good photo editing so what’s the point?  But don’t worry, this blog will still be open.

– Not so positive, but still better than before: I need to get my health better… my vitamin D deficiency is out of control but at least I’m controlling the anemia well.  The doctors are also concerned about the weight loss but I am at a loss for words (no pun intended) for why I just have less appetite and why I can’t seem to keep my nutrients in.  I’m thinking of getting tested for celiac. So after 14 vials of blood… they still got nothing… except my vitamin D level is…. 8!  Normal is 30-100. I have 8. So now I’m on a high dosage of it.  Like 50,000 MG or something.  Why is my body not absorbing it?

– And what is going on is so ridiculous you can’t even imagine.  I’m supposed to be halfway to sleepy never never land and yet I get THIS happening to me. OH WAIT! If I post it, he’ll say, yup HE WILL SAY, that I just want attention – but wait, I get attention without doing anything. Probably what he wants. SO. I will just say a guy I was interested in was, once again, not who he claimed or posed to be.  Getting insulting emails in the middle of the night was not what I signed up for.  Neither were insecure guys I had to sugar mama to. YES. That was just said. Hey maybe I do just want “attention with guys”  He promises to reply to me but doesn’t.  Apparently “our relationship” keeps getting in the way of his workouts and his “work”. HA! You’re just lucky I’m not bitchy enough yet to say who you are.

– Went to a 5th Red Sox game. So far for me, 2 out of 5 losses.  But it was a good game.  FU Chicago, I love you but you beat us 10 – 8 Monday. It’s cuz I didn’t eat my hot dog, right?!  Or I didn’t wear my Red Sox undies.

Stay Positive

Lastly, before I forget, I’m gonna start doing pre-taped AND live broadcasts of my podcast.  So let me know your thought.  Live will be mainly night ones or surprise ones.  I’ll have pre-taped topics that will be posted weekly.  Also I will be going back to youtube vlogging and social camming again.  And if you haven’t added me on the app Periscope yet, you should, I’m starting to go on it once every day or two :]

And I leave you with 5 Seconds of Summer‘s newest song “She’s Kinda Hot” – Concert countdown – 35 Days <3 Woot

And last, but not least: Life, love, energy is never black and white… or shades of gray – it’s colors of all spectrum, and in my case, the freaking neon bright rainbow.  Enjoy what you get and cherish it – It won’t be around forever.

I feel like I need to post a food post soon….

Getting back into the groove of things….

Now that I have started blogging again and will always be blogging for Modern Dauphine….  I’m kinda really liking it.  I’ve even gotten back to writing my book again (which has been on  hiatus for like 2 months) …

Life has been interesting. Ups, downs, misunderstandings and mended friendships…. You never really truly to enjoy your day to day life until you get older, huh? Each day passes with a blink of an eye.  I really need to reach further, set even higher limits and more goals.  And then check them off my Must-Do Checklist.

Summer is almost upon us, June 20, and I’m psyched! I always loved summer – being a summer baby and all.  The obvious: Cape Code trips, beaching… short weekend trips somewhere relaxing and fun, wearing as little clothing as possible (duh!) And all those refreshing, light, yummy foods and cocktails.

Beach beach beach! I need a tan!  I’m practically see-thru…. and then some.

This weekend is my babe Kim‘s Birthday so I booked a hotel and I’m taking her to Chippendales. I think they call it “Men in Motion‘ now… haha with a special twist. I got us VIP seats in the front so we don’t have to stand and……. well I promise to take pictures ;]  We’re getting tattoos, gonna go shopping, go eat at Wahlburgers.

We always have an amazing time.  Plus I get to help pick out clothes for her, do her makeup and hair ;]  Plus when you go out with me, and I plan it, we go ALL. OUT. Got it?

Soon after my Uncle, Aunt and one of my favorite Cousins (shh) is coming for I think 3 weeks or so.  Niagara Falls and Red Sox games are a MUST. (which reminds me I have to buy tickets… it’ll just be me and the boys… haha my mom and aunt are so not into it) – I’ll definitely be taking him to some sort of July 4th celebration/party and maybe even hit up the beach with a group of people.

And then August.  I’m make sure that all my birthdays are memorable and I promise this year won’t be an exception.  INCLUDING 5 Seconds of Summer will be playing in Boston in August. UH psyched.  I just don’t know what to do yet for my birthday….. got any ideas?

It’s already been a crazy half a year (can you believe how fast that went?  Heartbreaks, crushes, enemies… yikes) – And yes there is someone I like – even though I decided to try not to talk about my love life on this blog anymore. So *crossing my fingers*

So, now let’s go dancing….. forget about the past, look forward to the future but treasure every breath and existence of the moment ♥

ps. Promise more food posts will be made as well…


Just a few reasons why my mom is the best – Happy Birthday Mommy

I love you Mommy, Happy Birthday

My First Bday Dinner of the Year

Rum shots for my bday!!! what what?!?!?!

And of course the place chosen was jm Curley since we first bonded over out love of burgers.

My Wasabi Beer

Sadly not much of a wasabi flavor, slight heat on the throat.. but tasty nonetheless..

Complimentary Bacon Fat Popcorn

Bloody Mary Deviled Eggs…
tomato, horseradish, Worcestershire, celery salt, bacon

Mine were awesome but these were pretty good, and VERY much like bloody marys :]

My favorite, and now L and I’s tradition of Fried Pickles
zesty-dill house pickles, creole mayo

And of course…
jmC 9 oz. natural angus burger
cheddar, grilled onions, pickles, pop’s Russian, fries

And speaking of fun.. the next day this happened with K

And after a hot shower, a few beers and some yummy takeout… it ultimately led to what adults do on a Saturday night.

Best Vegas Trip Ever… the end [Last Day]

Kelly and I woke up to a mess of food, booze, clothes and even ourselves, sprawled around the room – EVERYWHERE.  We ate yesterday’s leftover lunch and drank what we had left…. half a bottle of Johnny Walker Black and mixed it with pepsi.  Breakfast of champions!

I’m sorry mom.



Drunk 1 & Drunk 2 <3

Part of our messy booze and food filled room…

Somehow Kelly got to eat most of her leftovers.. I, on the otherhand, was weaksauce and just kept ordering more food and booze…. so she basically injected me with the leftover whiskey…

Sorry mom again…

This is probably the most clothes I have EVER worn in Vegas… or even around Kelly hahahaha

And sorry for that clothing comment too hahahahaha, my mom hates me now.

After cleaning up and packing we decided to do stupid stuff like… you know… drinking in the closet that fits both of us… we look so Asian here…

Gambling!!!! I lost money on the slots but ended up buying us drinks and winning it all back and 40$ playing Black Jack for a few minutes. SCORE!!!!!! I should just ALWAYS stick with Black Jack & Craps!!!!

Jack + Coke for her

A beer for me….

[ Sorry again mom for that snapchat AHAHAHAHAHAHA ]

After Kelly left… I grabbed a glass of champagne in the Heart Bar as I waited for J to come get me for a fun day outside of the “normal Vegas”

We went to the mall for a bit and I got spoiled… ring, tiara/crown and other gifts :] TEE HEE.. and then he took me to get some YUMMMMMMS..

It was between this place and a place called “Big Wong’s” hahahah.. I’m like YO you gonna take a Chinese chick to a Chinese place? Beware…. hahahahaha…. besides I wanted seaaaafoooooooood….. NOM NOM NOM

Hot N Juicy Crawfish!!!

And I even got the bib. YAY!!!!!!

“Is it your birthday?”
“Every day is my birthday!”
“Well Happy Birthday!”

 I trusted J with the order I just sat and enjoyed myself. THE SAUCE IS SOOOOO AMAZING.

Suck the head out… the yummy brains…. and de-shell and dip in sauce. SOOOO FREAKING GOOD.

We also got mussels…. SO MUCH FOOD, lickity lickity licked my fingers and lips and arms clean…..  I didn’t realize how full I was until part way thru dessert.. yep he also took me to dessert…

Snowflake Shavery!!! He was super excited to take me here, he said best ice cream ever.. and it WAS…. SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD

His —- I think it was coconut Ice Cream with Bananas, Pineapple and Condensed milk; We also go to try the new Banana flavor which is pretty amazeballs!

MINE!!!!!! The Black Seasame Creation with Black Sesame Ice Cream with mochhi, condensed milk and added rainbow sprinkles <3 DURRRR cuz I’m all aobut the rainbow sprinkles!!!

Thanks babe for a great day!!! I totally felt like a princess :D


Peace Out Vegas — until next time…. which will be really soon, I promise.

With a full belly of ice cream and burping up that Hot N Juicy sauce the entire night… I’m off back to the land of the cold cold Boston. Oh how I’ve missed you so *rolls eyes* Snow storm after snow storm.. I need the sun and the heat.  Anyone wanna go to Hawaii, Miami, Mexico a Caribbean Island or on a cruise soon?! Cuz I am SO there!

Best Vegas Trip Ever… until next time [Day 1]

Everyone say Happy Birthday to Kelly!!! Her birthday was Feb 6!  Two years ago we went and saw Nick Carter in Boston…. who would’ve thunk it we’d see him AGAIN in exactly two years? — yes that was a preview of blogging to come

Waking up at 4:30 in the morning is no fun… esp on barely an hour of sleep.. what can I say?! I’m psyched to be going to Vegas to see my girl Kelly on her birthday.. it’s all planned out. Planet Hollywood, Britney Spears show, dinner and on guestlist and vip lists for parties/clubs every night of the trip.. and then some… several per night [haha] I got overexcited….

I kissed my baby doll good bye and promised that her mama would be back and headed off to the airport looking like a hot mess…

The usual breakfast at Boston Beer Works. I still hate how they don’t serve alcohol before 8am there.  I want my bloody mary and I BOARD at 8 grrr…

Cheesy veggie omelet with the best home fries EVAAAAAAAAA….and toast – which I smothered in buttaaaa <3 I was hungry yo. And while I had subpar coffee and no booze….. the food made me happy….

It’s okay tho, I got my mimosa on the plane!!!….

and another and another.. and also my dosage of my favorite brothers, the Winchesters AHH.. “The Purge” is now probably my second favorite episode of Supernatural.  The first, still being “Yellow Fever”


BTW, I wore my “BIG IN JAPAN” cropped sweater on the plane… and the attendant was like “I was trying to figure it out the whole plane ride and now I get it! It means that in Japan you’re considered well endowed!” BWAHHAAHAHAHAH she was awesome!

My plane was an hour late due to the storm the day before – HELLO it’s New England, a little snow isn’t so scary GEEZ – so flights got all messed up but Kelly waited for me :] And we headed over to PH..

I tried to get the guy at the counter to upgrade our room… and 9 out of 10 times it works but he didn’t budge :[ Waaa… he did look kinda nervous tho haha.. we got our Britney keycards – since we were going to the show and got ready to get weird….

Best elevators EVERRRRRRRR….. Britney is such a Queen PURR*

Getting excited….

The view…

Our room was Indiana Jones themed…. I was about to put my bag down on the table when I screamed “WTF? A SHRUNKEN HAND” hahahaha…

We ordered some room service [DUH, me and room service = DANGER ZONE]… and started to get ready whilst drinking…

Lots of bubbles, lots of food…

And so it begins.. danger danger

This also sums up me and Kelly… me being Archer

We actually did a little shopping beforehand and I bought a shizz load of Britney things from the Britney store so I wouldn’t have to wait hours after the show tomorrow… including glow in the dark bracelets and rave lights for during the show….

And then we headed back to get ready for dinner…. dress picked, hair started… time to get funky…


Happy Birthday to my favorite Asian Doll <3

It was Chinese New Year themed EVERYWHERE… and not just this casino a lot of others…

Before we got to the restaurant we found Britney… and of course, being vain, MORE PHOTO SHOOTS!!!!!

… and of course I can never take a serious picture…….

Yay time for the Birthday Girl’s Birthday Dinner at Koi – Japanese, our tradition is to ALWAYS get sushi our first dinner together, anywhere! Anytime. Haha.

I called ahead and told them it was Kelly’s bday and they gave complimentary champagne YAY

Tuna Tartare on Crispy Wontons…

Kelly was being all lady like and classy and eating it with a fork but I just stuffed the whole thing in my mouth….. an animated GIF might just happen soon…

They recommended, and I was gonna order anyway, the Salmon Carpaccio with black Truffles and citrus sauce… and of course some micro greens.. this was amazing.. not so much for Kelly so I got to eat most of it :D TEE HEE HEE

Oh, of course Edamame is REQUIRED….

Suddenly I remember a table of white people next to us:

“Can we have fried rice?”
“We don’t serve that here”


Ok onwards….

Just some Salmon Sashimi and a Rainbow Roll. YUM. Simple and Perfect.

And then as an entree we shared, ……..

Steamed Chilean Sea Bass with Ginger, Ichimi & Shiitake Mushrooms

DELICIOUS… I also ate  most of this cuz I’m a fatass….

But this plant wanted to get in my pants…

They were super awesome and gave Kelly a surprise free dessert!!!!

Chocolate Lava Cake, Ice Cream, OMG… sugar rush HIGH and then crash…..

Now to prepare to go to the Bank….


At least we looked super cute doing it :]

It’s okay, we made up for it on Day 2…………

Super Belated = Best Day of the Year: August 3 — The Perfect Very Happy Birthday

I had the most amazing birthday ever this year.  It was probably the best I have ever had.

AND the fact that it was FINALLY on a weekend again, especially a SATURDAY, made it even more amazing.  Usually I have my party on the “not real date” but this year……. FINALLY…… I got to celebrate on the REAL day in STYLE.

It started with sleeping in.. and then running some errands with J and then over a beer – BTW, TIME WARNER FUCKING SUCKS. GO SUCK A DICK.

Anyways. I had a heart attack and anxiety attack at Eataly… SO MANY PEOPLE [and I was kinda hungry] so we went upstairs for a beer… which was surprisingly empty, especially for a Saturday, late afternoon.

I’m off-centered, so perfect :]

My boy’s got his sexy back <3

And the drinking begins….

So while I got pretty, J ran and worked out.  And I drank and got pretty. You know, doing what we do :]


My adorable J asked me to help pick out his outfit so I chose this. He’s TOO cute.  I bought him bowties so he learned how to tie them just for me…….

We match! I’m the luckiest girl ever to have my baby…

AND GUESS WHAT? He wouldn’t tell me where we were going for dinner…. and it turns out it was AI FIORI!!!!! My FAVORITE ITALIAN PLACE IN NYC!!!!!!…. and possibly EVAAAAAAAA

We both got the prix fix

Amuse Bouche….

Which was funny cuz we were just talking about not liking cold soup… but this creamy fennel soup was quite yum


So many people ended up coming to Prolateriat.  Thanks Cory for the shout out [and Pete for changing my name to “Miss Nipple”] And then for more people coming along to The Dalloway. YES YES YES. Lesbian Club was the best way to end the night. I really wish I got pictures. But yes I wanna thank each and every one of you guys and girls for coming!!!!!  We were rolllllling deep that night. I couldn’t even keep count of how many people came out.

Esp thanks to Adela for coming all the way from DC just for my bday <3 LOVE YOU

And of course along with having the hottest boy on my arm that night, I also had the hottest girl, N <3

OH YEAH. Still in my 20s and living it up. I LOVE MY FRIENDS AND I LOVE MY LIFE.