And so it begins… with AKA Bistro

It’s that time of the year, again, when I turn 21.. AGAIN.

No wait, I think last year I turned a sweet 16 with a party at Momofuku, Carnival, Maze and Blue Ginger. And while Family birthday dinner is ALWAYS at Blue Ginger… every single year… we thought we’d change it up a bit this year and go try out a new suggestion from my mommy… AKA Bistro – “boast[ing] the best of two distinct and sophisticated cuisines.  Half the menu offers French fare; authentic recipes derived from the owner’s mother, a native of Marseilles.  The flip side of the menu features a creative roster of Japanese dishes, with an emphasis on elegant sashimi.  Ingredients are sourced from a handful of small farms [within] a few miles of the bistro, and pristine (often sustainable) fish is sourced from around New England and the world.”

AKA Bistro [pronounced “ah-kah” not “A KAY A” like the abbreviation hahaha] is definitely something fresh and new and not what I’d expect in Lincoln, MA.. especially next to a train station….

I was excited – we had reservations for 7:30… but by 5 I was STARVING.. it didn’t help that my mom was making some of her famous spicy beef noodle soup to freeze for later… [yes after dinner I had a bowl back at home… and some marrow.. #fattie]

Me getting ready :]

The weather was kinda gloomy and wet but inside it was popping.. the atmosphere was loud and it was a little.. not hot.. but it felt stuffy and humid inside – slightly – decor was really nice tho :] Happy chipper place.

AKA Bistro
145 Lincoln Rd.
Lincoln, MA 01773 


Cold. Chewy. A bit hard. But COLD :[ Sad. I want French CRUSTYYYY bread… fluffy inside… alas, no.


But let’s get to the fun part. Or in the case of my daddy “at least the champagne was really good tonight…” yeah that’s kinda a preview of what’s to come.

We popped a bottle of bubbly :] I got ID’d :[ The hostess also treated me like a little kid. BOO!

Escalope de foie gras poelée et compote de fruits secs
Seared foie gras and dried fruit compote

Not my favorite Foie Gras…  definitely not the worst.. but it was okay.. I thought it tasted slightly off… but mommy liked it. Daddy didn’t like it so mommy got most of it :] The fruit compote was plums and was pretty tasty.. loved the wilted spinach underneath the foie.. the tart on the bottom was kind of madeline like…

So pretty tho…

Hamachi Collar

This was a special of the day – AND cooked to medium rare – altho definitely more rare than cooked… the outside was slightly burnt…. MEH.

Scallop Ceviche

Banuyls vinaigrette and fresh winter black truffle

This was my favorite dish of the night. But it was SOOO SMALL… thinly sliced fresh scallop sashimi.. a very light vinaigrette and delicious truffle..OMG.. the truffle.. subtle and not overpowering – a little goes a long way – LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. I wanted MORE!

This was SUPPOSED to be a Kumomoto Oyster with Uni and Caviar.. but they didn’t have the oysters and had another West Coast Oyster… and no Uni so they said they’d give me extra caviar. They didn’t but it was still good – wayyyy tiny tho :T

Os à moelle, fleur de sel aromatique,pain de campagne grillé

Bone Marrow, aromatic sea salt and toasted country bread

Delicious. Wish the Bone Marrows were bigger tho… I miss big fat delicious bones filled with marrow… MMMMM. This marrow was fatty, drippy, creamy… SOO GOOD and came with a little dish of a salt/pepper concoction to sprinkle over. This is the first time my parents have had Bone Marrow like this and they really enjoyed it :] Altho daddy thought it wasn’t that flavorful – which is why I said sprinkle more salt teehee.. but they both LOOOVED it…

Mommy’s Confit de canard et pommes Salardaises

Duck Confit, potato roasted in duck fat

The duck was cooked perfectly.. the skin was a bit TOO fatty and not crispy but still delicious.. a bit soggy tho.. the crispy bits of the sliced potatoes were delicious but even with the salad everything was WAY too greasy from all the duck fat from the potatoes and the confit.  The salad was DRENCHED in duck fat…. but I ended up eating all of the potatoes and the rest of my mommy’s salad and duck for her :] #tummyache

Daddy’s Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin

I can’t find the exact dish on their old menu on the website but the stuff on the bottom was very herbby and gnocchi like… Even if you didn’t get a bacon piece the pork was cooked sooo tenderly and the bacon flavor totally infused itself into it. DELICIOUS.  The “gnocchi” like pasta or “dumplings” I suppose weren’t too bad either.. a little too mushy for my liking.. but probably the lightest dish out of the three we ordered.

My Saumon poche, beurre fines herbes, courgettes, fenouil et rattes

Poached Salmon with “beurre fines herbes”zucchini, fenneland fingerling potatoes

I… hated it.

But they were nice enough to take it off the bill. It was.. ick. Too buttery.. I hated the consistancy of the salmon.. which was bland… the fennel and zucchini I liked but the sauce it was in and the butter it was cooked in was just TOO MUCH…. :T I wanted to like it, I wanted to love it – I love salmon but I just hated it. Which is why I went to eat my mom’s duck fat drenched leftovers… if

Creme Brulee

Perfect.  Just wish maybe a little warm inside of cold custard on the inside.  BUT. Nice thick, but not TOO thick, perfectly burnt sugar crust.  Delicious innards… beautifully speckled with fresh vanilla bean. MMMMMM

FUNNY story. My mom and her friends had come here before when it JUST opened… the got the Lunch tasting menu and each had their own creme brulees for dessert. They had NO idea that it was vanilla bean and all took a bite, saw the black specks and freaked out – thought it was bugs or mold or dirty.. hahahahaha my mom JUST told me this story a few days ago and then AGAIN tonight…  Silly ladies :]

Complimentary Guava Jellies

They gave these at the end of the meal – SOOO good.. methinks there was grapefruit in it too?!… But can’t really remember… a little sweet but sooooo guava-y :D JOY! Made me miss Taiwan…

Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake

SOOOOO FLUFFY!! The cheesecake part was SO light and delicious… like whipped cream consistancy… the chocolate crust was flakey and cookie like – delicious.  The cherries were SOOOOOO GOOOOD and juicy!!!!

I wanted to have some family photos but part way thru the dinner my parents, especially my dad got super reminiscent and I got all emotional and teary and burst out crying and ended up being blotchy and sniffly for the rest of the meal – until I got a funny phone call from my sis Kate ;D but yeah… so no pix… I was splotchy in the above pic but it was far away enough that you can’t tell TEEHEE.. BUTTTTTT. PROPS to my makeup.. NOOOO gross masacara lines!!! :D Not ONE bit of makeup out of place.. I’m like halfsobbing and giggling with my mom about how my makeup wasn’t drippy.. LOL

OKAY so this wasn’t exactly a good meal – the desserts were great… the food was subpar :T The salmon was horrendous, the texture the flavor.. bland and fishy… overly buttery.. mommy’s greasy overly soaked with duck fat – even daddy’s delicious pork looked a little sketch and on the pink side… so far no food poisoning though, all three of us had some… but it seems like the Japanese food seems to be going more towards my liking… if I ever come back here, slim to none chance, I’ll get sushi.  I’ll stick to L’Espalier and Sel de la Terre and others for my French choice. Speaking of which.. I miss Chef Ed Cotton’s food at Plein Sud. NYC Trip ASAP! Sorry AKA Bistro. Good concept, poor execution. At least tonight… for my table :T Servers were nice, altho as soon as our waiter got the check he BOUNCED… how rude. At least the other servers said bye.

Happy – Almost – Birthday to Me :D

I’m SUPER excited about the coming week…s…. :] Vegas. Friends. Special Birthday Day :] Super psyched about it all….. Life has been so good to me lately. I’m glad to be pushing out all the negativity in my life and just focusing on the positive and the good people.. the good things… :] I may be “young at heart” forever, but some people are just freaking immature, childish and I don’t need them in my life. So good riddance. The past year and a half I’ve been dealing with a lot of negativity… settling for things even though I wasn’t happy – with where I was, who I was with.. what I was doing.. where I was going… with age comes wisdom… for most people – I’m blessed that I’m one of those people.

Thank you to all the amazing people in my life. Friends, family…. DIOR <3 This is gonna be a good good year – “21” is a good age ;D

Sel De La Terre: Wine Tuesday – “Rhône Valley”

Once again, Wine Tuesday is here… I love tuesdays :D

I had meetings out in Billericca today so I just went straight to Natick afterwards… did some shopping…. possibly a lot… I had a long list of things to get from Sephora.. and then, of course, stopped by Sweet Factory :] Half hour early so I sat down at my regular table in SDLT and got a drink while I waited for my date

Peche Royale

Champagne with some yummy peach… slightly sweet and definitely opened up my appetite for the rest of the night.

Finally my date got here, and so did the rest of the dinner guests… I think the hostess said 21+ people tonight!!!!.. woooo.. of COURSE I had interesting dinner neighbors, AGAIN…. they were kinda snotty and spoke French and acted like they knew everything already that  recognized some familiar faces as well…

Erik Johnson

Bread Basket <3

The Menu of the night…. YUM YUM

* First Course *

Fig Chutney with Aged Gouda, Basil and Crostini

The white wine was light and crisp and I absolutely LOVED it!!!!

The original menu was supposed to be a Tomato Confit so I was slightly disappointed that it changed it to fig.. altho still VERY delicious. Some greens, pickled cauliflower… pinenuts… fig chutney… crostini.. and then delicious sauce… savory.. which balanced perfectly with the DELICIOUS aged Gouda.. I’m so used to a hard crunchy gouda… I forgot how amazing non-fridged perfectly fresh Gouda was <3 Aged to PERFECTION… which reminds me I need to restock on my cheese…

* Second Course *

Étuve of Halibut with Pearl Barley and Dijon Mustard Vinaigrette

I’m not a huge fan of Roses anymore…  I used to be when I was younger and just getting into wine… now I want my white or red… altho I do tend to enjoy rose champagnes :]  ANYWAYS… was told that this was one of the few Roses from the region [methinks, not 100% sure… I was a few glasses in by now] This was pretty tasty tho :]

The halibut had a tart smell to it.. and was sooo tender.. sooo flakey and delicious.  A nice delicious slippery skin on the side and atop a nice creamy but firm pearl barley “risotto”… with some carrots in it – DELISH!!  I loved the bit of herbs on top.. added to the texture of the fish.. PERFECTLY cooked!!!!

* Main Course *

Roasted Duck Leg with Celery Root , Potatoes Anna and Cherry Gastrique

Very very nice French red… I tend to not lik French reds.. I find them too earthy… but I always seem to like Rhone region reds… this was delicious… delicate yet robust at the same time… totally enjoyed it… not too heavy.. MMM… paired great with the duck

The duck… oh my, the duck. Methinks the greens was a nice swiss chard… delicious potatoes, thinly sliced and stacked atop each other.. the celery root puree was delicious but I wanted a lot more… very potato like… and then duck OH the duck – the skin was yummy [could’ve been crisper] but just the right amount of fat…. very meaty and just perfectly cooked.. I had some bad roast duck last night from chinatown so this made me so so happy

* Side Order * of Sautéed Spinach with Parmesan 

Nicely wilted, not overly so with a nice light bit of parm on top… wished it was garlicky but this was perfectly cooked MMM.. I hate when spinach gets too mushy….

* Cheese Course *

Fromage d’Affinois, France

This wine was definitely a lot heavier and more to it than the last red, so this may have been a least favorite out of the bunch, BUT….. this paired great with the cheese…

The cheese was brie like – light cow’s milk… very delicious.


So the dessert was supposed to be…
Fondant Cake with Honey Fromage Blanc and Vanilla Ice Cream

WHICH ended up looking kinda meh compared to what I got served.. for some reason this was placed in front of me….:

“Grand Dessert”Warm Chocolate Fondant Cake
Vanilla Ice Cream
Berry Ice Cream
Guava Sorbet
Meyer Lemon Pudding Cake
Vanilla Creme Brulee
& the BEST Sugared Honey Lavender Beignets with Orange Blossom Anglaise

there was also thi delicious jelly sort of  thing with Passionfruit and coconut… SOOOOO amazing!!!

I shoved the whole plate down my throat.. AMAZINZG… the beignets were to DIE for.. the creme brulee.. OMG.. the guava sorbet… everything was just sooooo delicious.. not too sweet and just a great combo – I have been to SDLT SOOO many times and NEVER saw this tasting of desserts.. must be fairly new but DEFINITELY order this next time you go, hell just go and order THIS!

Til next Tuesday… :]

Sel de la Terre: Wine Tuesday – “Summer of Riesling”

It’s been awhile… in blogging and in wine tastings at SDLT… my “local” little hangout… :]  I use local in quotes since it’s a pretty well known restaurant.. just really near my home in the middle of the woods :] TEEHEE…

Wine Tasting Dinner
“Summer of Riesling”

* * * * * * *

First Course

2007 Trimbach, Fiesling, Alsace, France

This was my favorite riesling of the bunch, mostly because it was the least sweet out of all of them… my favorite :] So much so, dinner date gave me their’s after a few sips of their own :D TEEHEE…

Smoked Salmon with Pea Tendrils, Celery Root and Roasted Fennel Puree

SO amazing – you could tell this was totally in-house smoked salmon. SUCH great soft creamy texture with just the right amount of chew to it.  The puree was SO creamy and delicious…. the little pea tendril salad was delishhhh… and no bread necessary [altho a lot of the guests did eat it with the bread basket]

* * * * * * *

Second Course

2008 Mt Difficulty, “Roaring Meg”, Riesling, Central Otago, New Zealand

Grilled Trout with Swiss Chard, Herbed Spaetzle and Grilled Scallions

Seperately I wasn’t too into the wine but paired with the trout, delicious. I wish the skin had been de-scaled since I had some nibbles of it and it was good… MMM…. the meat was sooo delicious – SUCH fresh and straight up trout… if you love the natural taste of trout like I do – I just like to lightly panfry it with salt and pepper and a squeeze of lemon at home – this is perfect. The spaetzle was SO good, especially the toasted crunchity parts… delicious not overcooked swiss chard – one of my fav veggies.. – and a yum scallion :D more please!!!!

* * * * * * *

Main Course

2008 Weins-Prum, Riesling, Graacher Domprobst Kabinett, Mosel, Germany

Herb Roasted Chicken with Grilled Peach, Ricotta, Asparagus and Red Bliss Potatoes

This was delicious!!!!…. Chicken breast, cooked perfectly.. amazing crispity skin, just enough fattiness on it but not overwhlemingly so… so I still felt super svelte and healthy TEEHEE… asparagus had a light buttery taste to them… and I loooved the grilled peach with the ricotta. YUM!

* * * * * * *

Cheese Course

2008 Reuscher, Riesling, Piesporter Goldtropfchen Kabinett, Mosel-Saar-Ruwer, Germany

The pairing was supposed to be a Goat Cheese, Humboldt Fog, California

but I asked for a Cow’s milk cheese and they gave me a delicious hard cheese :]

My date wasn’t too into the cheese, had some but gave me the rest since I LOOOOOVED IT.. gnaw gnaw gnaw, emptied out half the bread basket too :] YUM!

* * * * * * *

Dessert Course
Chocolate Mousse with Coconut Macaroons

If people are interested in a rendevoux with me sometime at Sel de la Terre, Natick [or any other wine tastings/pairings/dinners in the Boston area] just let me know – I’m SO down! But for SDLT I’ll SO be there – just let me know!!! You can even guest blog on here :D woo

Sel de la Terre: Wine Tuesday – “New & Noteable”

Another oldie but a goodie. WOO!

November 30, 2010

Wine Tasting Dinner
“New & Noteable”


First Course: Duck Rillette with Whole Grain Mustard and Toasted Brioche

The brioche was soooo delicious and the rillete was super creamy and spreadable – yum!  I adore grainy mustard so having some was a must!!!

Paired with 2009 Benaza, Godello, Monterrei, Spain

Second Course: Sauteed PEI Mussels with Chorizo, Cherry Tomatoes and Garlic Crostini
Paired with Valentin Biachi, “New Age”, Sauvignon Blanc/Malvasia, Mendoza, Argentina

Super fresh and flavorful – perfectly cooked – mussels!!! YUMMMM!!!!  Lightly flavored and not overly salty from the chorizo!!!…soooo goood :] PLUS a crunchy garlicky crostini to sop and soak up the yummy juices!!!!

Main Course: Roast Pheasant with Apple-Cranberry Bread Pudding
Paired with 2009 Bielsa, “Vinas Viejas”, Grenacha, Campo de Borja, Spain

UMMM.. YUM!!!!… I rarely eat pheasant.. since I like never see it on the menu but this was SOOOo freaking tasty and juicy – it was like a chicken and a duck had a baby in the oven and came out with a yummy THIS! Savory, juicy, succulent, tender… OH MY HOLY!!!  The bread pudding was a delicious compliment to the bird..

Cheese Course: Garroxta, Spain
Paired with 2008 Alfredo Roca, Malbec, Mendoza, Argentina

No dessert this time tho since it was just the same pumpkin bread pudding… I think something was going on after the dinner too.. it’s a little blurry, I had most of my date’s wine too ;D

Sel de la Terre: Wine Tuesday – “Home for the Holidays”

* This post is long due… along with the next Wine Tuesday post…. but since I went to a new Wine Tuesday today I’ll be posting them up :] FINALLY!!!!

Sel de la Terre holds a Wine Tasting Dinner/Pairing every Tuesday… :] I’ve had the opportunity to go to a few… here are some favorites – obviously this next one was back last winter.. November 23, 2010!

Wine Tasting Dinner

Bread Basket.. not so sexy but delicious nonetheless…

First Course: Butternut Squash Soup with Apple Chutney and PEI Mussels

Slightly sweet and very tasty… I loved the apple with the squash… MMM.. I’m not a huge creamy soup person but I LOOOVED the spices and subtle flavors in this….. the mussels were a delicious touch. I LOOOOVE mussels!!! And I love all sorts of squash soups!!! so VOILA…. I love it!!!

Paired with 2009 Grandes Perrieres, Sancerre, Loire, France

Second Course: Sole Meuniere

Succulent, tender, fragile and creamy in the mouth. I love sole and the way this was cooked just melted on the tip of my tongue. Delicious… and of course the pairing was amazing as well.

Paired with 2008 Albert Mann, Pinot Blanc, Alsace, France

Rosemary Pomme Frites

I adore their pomme frites… thin, crispity, salty, full of flavor and not greasy at all. DELISH!

Main Course: Roast Free Range Chicken with Fingerling Potatoes and Sauce Chasseur
Paired with 2007 Quevira, Zinfindal, Dry Creek Valley, California

Super juicy chicken, roasted to pure perfection – dressed in a delicious sauce and made my stomach happy, all the way down :]

Cheese Course: Garroxta, Spain
Paired with 2005 Westport Riversm “Cuvee RJR”, Brut, Westport Massachusetts

Dessert Course: Apple Street Farm Pumpkin Bread Pudding with Pear Jam and Bourbon Sabayon
The best of all worlds and one of the best bread puddings I’ve had.. a delicious creamy sauce and topping it was a soft but not soggy pumpkin bread… MMMMM…. bread pudding always seems so heavy but this was happy – not too rich and delicious – okay so it was on the sweet side, but have you ever had a sweet bread pudding that wasn’t? LOVE!

Celebrating Daddy’s Day at Coach Grill

The other Sunday was Father’s Day… or in my words “Daddy’s Day” :] Cuz it’s the day to celebrate the dads!!!!  Growing up, I was a daddy’s little girl. My dad and I were super close up until we moved to Boston… then his job got super busy and he was out the door early and didn’t get back til late. BUT he always had time to help me with my homework – no matter how late or how tired he was.

I remember playing “Japanese Fighting” where we pretended to be ninjas.  I would get the crazy huge lego sets for Christmas and birthdays and he’d help me assemble them. I got my goofy humor from him… we have no shame and like to make lots of noise in public just to make my mom embarrassed – still do.

He was there caring about me when my health was at it’s worst and supportive as it got better… :]

And of course after every bad break-up

Me: “Daddy!!! Can I just live with you for the rest of my life?”
Him: “Even better!”

Oh daddy :] To the smartest best daddy I know!

In my family, the holiday that we’re celebrating, that person gets to pick. So birthdays and special days :] Coach Grill it is… it’s right by our house and delicious :] MMM who wouldn’t want a steak!!… well I guess my dad didn’t [haha] but I haven’t had a good steak in ages, it seems…

First a glass of wine for each of us [for me it was this times two… but then… daddy drank the rest of mine cuz I gottttssaaa tipsyyy!!! LOL]

Their delicious big round crusty bread!! It was piping hot and OH SO YUMMY!!! The inside was super fluffy and chewy :]

Calamari Milano

Grilled with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Garlic and Parmesan, Served with Basil Aioli

So super good, succulent, super fresh, tender and to this day my dad keeps talking about them.. they even had a nice heat/spice to them… which I LOVE and daddy usually doesn’t like – but he did. SO getting this again, and again and AGAIN!!!

Chilled Lobster with Mustard sauce

Tender, fresh, delish!!!!… My dad goes “Wait it’s cold lobster” which I answered “Yes dad, it’s chilled lobster”.. so good.. I just ate it with tabasco but the mustard sauce was nice and tangy!!!

Mommy’s Kansas City Bone-In Sirloin.. Medium

She adored it and she and daddy DEMOLISHED it!!!… They don’t like too rare meat… so they loved it and cooked to, their, perfection.

My Bone-In FIlet Mignon… Extra Rare [of course]

Super rare and just on the verge of black and blue, LOVE LOVE LOVE.. Coach Grill never fails to amaze me when it comes to cooing my steaks to perfection… [just wish they’d bring back my fav appetizer, clams with tomatoes, arugula and wine……

Daddy’s Fresh Salmon Fillet

Wood Grilled and Served with Asparagus

Side: Sauteed Mushrooms

Mommy’s favorite side dish…. :] A nice mix of delicious mushrooms.. sauteed to perfection… super flavorful and YUMMYYYYYY!!!!

Side: Steamed Asparagus with Hollandaise Sauce
PERFECT! I love asparagus… asparagus pee and all :] TEE HEE… so I love this, I always get hollandaise sauce on the side cause I hate things getting over sauced.. I think a nice dip and saucing it yourself to YOUR liking is the best way to eat things…. same with the next side….

Side: Steamed Broccoli with Hollandaise Sauce

Which I would like to add, who hollandaises broccoli? Nevertheless.. it’s my favorite side here and at Legal Sea Foods :D

I told daddy to start smiling in the pics but he said “I am!” but he wasn’t POOPIEEE!!!

Aside from dinner, I got him a tie & a super awesome tie clip :D

Thanks for everything Daddy-o :D

 August 2008

May 2008

Father’s Day 2009

May 2010

June 2010

We’re kinda awesome

August 2008

Yes I eat at Chain’s…. even at On the Border & Cheesecake…

Yes yes yes, I do eat at chains.. in fact after going gourmet and going nuts at all the fancy shmancy restaurants, I kinda missed the simplicity, fun and how cheap chains were :] Especially since lately these chains are going a little on the fancy side….

So after a long day of helping my bestie/sis out with cleaning up the house and drinking some yummy wine….

Me noshing on a delicious pair whilst driving to Kate’s house :]

And after Mike, her hubby, came home we all went to go eat together….

Queso? QUESO!!! So On the Border it was :] Mike wanted Queso and who am I to judge? I love a little mexicano and cheese in my life… the more the merrier… [told you I’ve been on a killer Mexican kick]

Now I haven’t been to On the Border in ages.. why? Well cuz I moved so far from it.. but Kate and Mike live right by it so we just hopped on the highway and va-va-voom…. oh the memories… mmm and they’re derrrrricious warm chips and salsa.. oh and of course queso… QUESO!!!!


Kate stirs the Queso in the bowl… and picked out all the jalapenos [which I DEVOURED]

Loaded with Jack cheese, Seasoned Ground Beef, refried Beans,, Guacamole, Pico de Gallo, Sour Cream and Jalapenos….

I swear Mike was happier than he looks like here… hehehehe… queso queso queso

Mike’s Enchiladas Platter.

Okay I know some of them were chicken... not sure what the second kind was *fail*


Hand-rolled, fried golden brown with your choice of meat, cheese and pico de gallo, then topped with melted cheese. Served with quesooooooo…. methinks she got beef :] I forgot again *double fail*

Kate told me all about how derrrricious these were… hehehe but silly lady ate all her rice and was too full to take more than a few bites of her chimi.. mmmmm the last time I had a chimi was in COLLEGE… ahaha I remember, second floor of union :]

My Citrus Chipotle Chicken Salad

Premium pulled Chicken Breast tossed in fat-free Mango Citrus Vinaigrette with peppers, red onions, tomatoes, corn, queso fresco and crunchy jicama.  Served atop fresh mixed greens.

Of course I go in and get a salad, I’m always feeling deprived of my greens :] MMM veggies..but the picture was SOOOO much more gorgeous than what I got – nonetheless it was still delicious… AND I got a whole bowl of jalapenos to gnaw on with the salad on the side.. OH and extra salsa instead of the dressing – cuz I’m spicy like that ;D

NEXT DAY.. I had to dentist.. and dentist I did, for several hours *lame*

Afterwards, I was STARVED… I hate eating before going to the dentist… but then I ended up being there til like 3 or 4… so STARVED… I was near the Cheesecake Factory and while I had a dinner date afterwards, I decided to get some munchies :] YEP.

Two of my favorite things to get at Cheesecake Factory is…

Thai Lettuce Wraps

Satay Chicken Strips, Carrots, Bean Sprouts, Coconut Curry Noodles and Lettuce Leaves with three delicious Spicy Thai Sauces – Peanut, Sweet Red Chili and Tamarind-Cashew.

And then my go-to salad there: the Pear and Endive Salad

Grilled Chicken, Endive, Radicchio, Arugula, Butter Lettuce, Roasted Pear, Blue Cheese, Candied Pecans and Tomato Served with a Low-Cal Vinaigrette.

Both were delicious, super fresh, the veggies were so crisp and delicious and sweet.. adn the proteins, aka chicken, were cooked to perfection and so delicious….!!!! I didn’t use the sauce for the wraps and it was perfect… perfectly seasoned without the sauce and maybe even on the tad salty side, but delicious nonetheless. ALSO when I got the bread I asked for ONLY the brown bread… MMMM delicious… my favorite.

SEE. I don’t alway eat super expensive and gourmet…. chains gets my mojo going as well ;D More Mexiiiiiicanoooooo coming up RIGHT after, ASAP!

You say Agavé … and I do too…

Everytime I’ve ever been to Newburyport, about 50 minutes away North of where I live in Boston, I’ve taken the puppy with me… weather has been great and I’ve been going on many a short roadtrips lately…

okay she’s 3.5 years old now but to me she’ll always be a puppy :] Hehe… so outdoor seating is a must. When she was younger, and quieter, I used to sneak her inside restaurants in her pink Juicy doggy bags, but now she’s a yappy little fart so outdoor seating is necessary. And the place I always go to to eat? Agave.

First thing was first, it was hot and I was thirsty. Thirsty for adult beverages :]

Prickly Pear Margarita

I specifically asked for a less sweet margarita and this thing was delicious, HUGE… I know it doesn’t look that big compared to my head, but I have a big head and this margarita was HUUUUGE… and delicious. SO good, in fact, it was DERRRRIcious.. yes, the inner fob came out – THAT good!

And then out came the delicious FRESHLY fried tortilla chips [yep still warm, but not greasy] their signature salsa.. and then, SECRET: You have to ask for their green salsa, which is a SUPER spicy and delicious salsa verde!

I had ordered some guacamole but the waitress TOTALLY forgot to put the order in – so sad… but it’s okay, she remembered my ceviche. I ALWAYS crave a good ceviche in the summer.. if I’m having Mexican, I need my lime cooked fish!

Ceviche Acapulqueño

Halibut marinated in lemon juice with chopped onions, tomatoes, Serrano chiles and fresh cilantro, served with avocado and crackers. [a local favorite]

The fish was SUPER tender, SUPER fresh and there was SO MUCH!  The crackers were good, but sort of bland, def not sweet OR salty which goes well with the ceviche, but I ended up saving them for Didi :] I ate the ceviche with the salsa verde, delicious….. there was so much it was barely finished…

Shrimp and Avocado Salad

A colorful and refreshing salad with grilled shrimp, avocado and chunks of mango served over a bed of fresh mixed greens with a honey- lime dressing.

You hear shrimp & avocado and you think OH healthy, light, and diet food – OHHHH NO!  This plate was HUUUUGE… tons of LARGE succulent grilled shrimp – FULL of flavor and perfectly spiced.  A HUGE half of an avocado, TONS of sweet big chunks of mango…delicious, fresh, crisp leafy greens and slices of juicy tomato. LOVING IT!!!


Michoacan style carnitas, shredded pork, slowly cooked in a copper pot and served with chopped onions, cilantro, crushed red pepper, fresh salsa verde and corn tortillas

Life is always better with pig in it. Especially tender juicy pulled pork.. mexicanfied… oh they’re pretty darn cute pre-pulled and post-mexicanfied as well :]

Baja Fish Tacos

Three medium or hard corn tortillas stuffed with baja fish that is floured and very lightly fried served with cabbage, cheese and pico de gallo

SUPER flavorful and very very tender fish…. SO very lightly fried, not greasy at all and covered in light, delicious, soft fluffy cheese…. the cabbage added the perfect crunch factor – and obviously, as you can tell from the photo, that “medium” corn tortillas were asked for.. I actually don’t get medium vs soft.. but whatever, delicious… :]  The fish was beautifully flavored and yummy cheese re-fried beans!

After the meal, we all walked around, took tons of goofy pictures, talked to more ppl with dogs, walked thru the antique barn… [tho got nothing, lots of creepy dolls in there tho ew] and looked at boats. Left just in time, cuz then it started POURING!!!!….

If you’re ever around and looking for something to do, definitely head over to Newburyport for a great day – lots of great fresh seafood, lots of outdoor seating for restos, homemade ice cream, candy shops, little stores [TWO pet stores!!!!] you can picnic, play in the park, go sailing, etc… :]

Oh and drink great margaritas @ Agave

I’ve been on a huge Mexican food kick lately so look forward to many more posts!!!! Sorry I’ve been MIA :] The fun single life, friends, summer, roadtrips and bbqs has been catching up with me ;D