盂蘭節 aka Ghost Month aka 鬼節

This month is ghost month… and while it’s August, it’s lunar year, seventh month and called 盂蘭節…


The Ghost Festival, also known as the Hungry Ghost Festival in modern day, Zhong Yuan Jie or Yu Lan Jie (traditional Chinese: 盂蘭節) is a traditional Buddhist and Taoist festival held in Asian countries. In theChinese calendar (a lunisolar calendar), the Ghost Festival is on the 15th night of the seventh month (14th in southern China).

In Chinese culture, the fifteenth day of the seventh month in the lunar calendar is calledGhost Day and the seventh month in general is regarded as the Ghost Month (鬼月), in which ghosts and spirits, including those of the deceased ancestors, come out from thelower realm. Distinct from both the Qingming Festival (in spring) and Double Ninth Festival(in autumn) in which living descendants pay homage to their deceased ancestors, during Ghost Festival, the deceased are believed to visit the living.

On the fifteenth day the realms of Heaven and Hell and the realm of the living are open and both Taoists and Buddhists would perform rituals to transmute and absolve the sufferings of the deceased. Intrinsic to the Ghost Month is veneration of the dead, where traditionally the filial piety of descendants extends to their ancestors even after their deaths. Activities during the month would include preparing ritualistic food offerings, burning incense, and burning joss paper, a papier-mâché form of material items such as clothes, gold and other fine goods for the visiting spirits of the ancestors. Elaborate meals (often vegetarian meals) would be served with empty seats for each of the deceased in the family treating the deceased as if they are still living. Ancestor worship is what distinguishes Qingming Festival from Ghost Festival because the latter includes paying respects to all deceased, including the same and younger generations, while the former only includes older generations. Other festivities may include, buying and releasing miniature paper boats and lanterns on water, which signifies giving directions to the lost ghosts and spirits of the ancestors and other deities.

Taiwanese traditions:

Traditionally, it is believed that ghosts haunt the island of Taiwan for the entire seventh lunar month, when the mid-summer Ghost Festival is held.[6] The month is known as Ghost Month.[7] The first day of the month is marked by opening the gate of a temple, symbolizing the gates of hell. On the twelfth day, lamps on the main altar are lit. On the thirteenth day, a procession of lanterns is held. On the fourteenth day, a parade is held for releasing water lanterns. Incense and food are offered to the spirits to avoid them visiting homes and spirit paper money is also burnt as an offering.[8] During the month, people avoid surgery, buying cars, swimming, and going out after dark. It is also important that addresses are not revealed to the ghosts


Some of the Taboos:

  1. Do not stroll at night.
  2. Do not swim. It is said that drowned evil ghosts might try to drown people in order to find victims for them to rebirth.
  3. As the month is considered to be inauspicious, do not move to a new house, start new businesses or marry.
  4. Do not hang clothes outside at night.
  5. Do not pick up coins or money found on the street and if one does, never bring any home.
  6. Do not step on or kick the offerings by the roadside. If someone were to step on any offerings by accident, he or she should apologize aloud to ameliorate the situation
  7. Do not wear red because ghosts are attracted to red.
  8. Don’t sing and whistle as these may attract ghosts.
  9. Keep away from the walls as it is believed that ghosts like sticking to walls.
  10. If someone is born during the ghost month, avoid celebrating his or her birthday at night. It is better to celebrate during the daytime.
  11. Do not go out at 12 midnight as the ghost may approach you for food and other offerings for them.
  12. Do not open umbrellas in the house. It may attract spirits
  13. Do not take selfies or take videos. Ghost may appear in it. You may never know
  14. Do not sleep facing the mirror or something reflective. It guides the ghosts.

I have not really been caring about these things until my recent gifts that I have been blessed with.  My teacher has told me that people who have the blessing of talking to spirits and angels and all that communication have a hard time during this month.  The death and the ghosts and the evil can sense what I have and cling onto it.  The problem is, during this month, cleansing and healing are not allowed.  So I’m struggling.

I have been feeling drained, completely to the point of emptiness.  And I’m starving but when I eat I want to puke.  Everything has been feeling so negative to the point where I am just giving up and wanting to sleep 24/7.  My sleep is not even well.. it’s riddled with nightmares and I don’t move from my position for hours on end and have to willfully force myself to get up everyday with the little energy I have.  I feel disoriented, confused, out of focus and just…. empty.  That’s the best way to describe it.  Empty… and it’s worst at night.

This is affecting my work, my family life, and just me in general.  I can get a full night’s rest and still feel like I haven’t slept in days. It’s taking a toll on me and I’m wondering now if I have been blessed or cursed with my new found gift.  It’s scary… I was doing so well before and suddenly I just feel like a darkness has grabbed a hold of me and I can’t shake it away.  I keep telling it to leave me but I just feel so lost and spiraling down a deep dark whole.  Meditation.  Speaking to my angels.  Cards.  Nothing has helped.  I’m subduing my pain and lack thereof in any way that I can think of and it’s not helping.

I feel lost. I need Archangel Michael by my side to guide me through my fear and pain.

This is the first time ghost month has affected me.  Tonight I will leave an offering outside of my door…. and pray that they will leave me alone.  I’m lost. I’m confused. I’m desperate.

Instincts were correct… all we can do is LAUGH AT YOU – and we are Steven Klimek / Steve Klimek

Update 5/20/2018: as of today I’ve gotten like a hundred emails/txts/dms on all social platforms about this douchebag and he has done so much disgusting/disrespectful things to girls and women. I’m glad that this blog has helped you all, thank you for thanking me!!! You are all fabulous fierce ladies who deserve better and glad you guys know it. I wanna say that he’ll learn but he obviously hasn’t! I am literally tearing up from laughing so hard at all the stories I’ve heard from sooooo many girls. So feel free to hit me up if you just googled him! This is starting to become a daily thing lololol! XO

Thank you babe for making this my day…… One of my most adorable gorgeous friends sent this to me tonight… and I laughed so hard I was crying and almost peed my panties. Cute ones too.  Hahahahahahhahaahhaahahahahaha…….. I adore her response.  She is such a smart, intelligent, BEAUTIFUL, lady!  I wanted to keep this in, but I couldn’t, why?! Cuz I wanted to warn ALL YOU LADIES, you ASIAN LADIES, out there of this monster. Yes, MONSTER.

You are such a loser.  AKA Pathetic.  YOU are the epitome and also the urban legend of why OKCupid is so horrendous.  Congrats.  Want a sticker or a cookie?  So everything that girls have been saying to me about you is right. AND you STILL wanted to get to know me?  What? So you still had a contact in Boston?  A Sugar Mama? Sorry, you’re not that awesome for me to sugar mama you. Not even close.  PLUS, I, yes I HAD to make YOU TRUST ME? HAAAAAA….. You should hook up with C’s ex, Liz  You guys can just lie and cheat on each other 24/7. FUN!!!!!!!!! i love how girls I know just keep sending me msgs that you write to them or hooked up with.  YES beware the https://www.okcupid.com/profile/703steve!


[click pic to see the comments.. WHICH he bitched at me about for “believing”]

Grow the F up Steve.  Peace out fool.  I can’t believe I fell for your lies you dumbass player.  Get a job already, it’s been 4 fucking years.  Man the F up!  Stop living off of girls you lie to.  Don’t make fun of other people when  you’re just mooching off of other people.  Sorry, but I’m really not sorry, my social network is bigger than your sex life, THEREFORE, you ain’t getting nothing if they know anything about me. Sorry. Maybe you should move to Asia where no one knows you.  Maybe hook up with one of those trannys in Thailand.  I’ve said it before, I’m a nice girl, but FUCK with me and I WILL RUIN YOU.  So far it’s doing well.

Have a good day :]

I don’t understand animal cruelty… or ignorant people.

WARNING: Graphic photos and videos!

Let me begin with what made me finally write this blog post. As a huge animal lover, I volunteer at Save A Dog for rescue dogs – and I donate a lot of money to stop animal cruelty and to stop animal testing – my mom, just now, wasn’t sure if she should show me this video or not. It’s been a few minutes and my heart still aches in pain from seeing it.

I still can’t stop hear the screaming cries.  I probably will never get it out of my head. REALLY? DOING THAT? ALIVE?

Not to be racist… I have a lot of Korean friends, but recently a lot of it has been geared towards Korea…  (yes we joke about them eating dogs but actually seeing pics and videos? No bueno!) and other Asian countries. Apparently dogs and cats taste better boiled alive or in pain while they die? Sick. Here’s one petition.

It’s embarrassing being asian right now.  Because I have to see comments like these:

WTF. Did you see the dog skinned alive and WAS STILL ALIVE in the pile of the dead skinned animals?

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Out comes all the racists. NOT ALL ASIANS BEAT CATS AND DOGS AND COOK THEM ALIVE – hell, most of us don’t even eat them.  Ignorant fucks.

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Cuz no offense, you white people do messed up animal stuff too.

But there have been other super disturbing animal cruelty I’ve seen these days. Smashing them to death, shooting them for fun. Dogs used to train killer dogs. Dogs being dragged by cars on a rope… and people posting facebook pictures, proudly, and smiling with the beautiful hunted down lions, rhinos, giraffes, etc. It’s absolutely sickening.  Animals being burned alive. UGH. Don’t push all this animal cruelty on Asians (and also learn how to write/grammar)

Ok, I’m no angel, I’m a meat-eater, but from what I know where my meat comes from the animals die in a humane way… AND while yes, when I’m in Asia or out eating I might not know but I’m definitely not out hurting animals for fun.  One time I saw a video of a cat put in a pipe and filled with cement with only it’s head out.  I was dying crying. I’ve seen dogs shot and put in a bag and hung on the side of a road to die.  IT IS SICKENING how disgusting humans may be. Poor abused and abandoned animals, we need to fight more for the rights of them – they too, cry, they too, have souls, feel love and are living, beautiful creatures.  People who torture animals should be put away!  Hell, they should be tortured too.

Miami Day 2 Beach, Yardbird & Nikki Beach Club

After a nice relaxing, semi-early, night in…. uhhhh…. actually okay, fine, not so “early” :] We woke up around 1030 for our FREE BREAKFAST

Dressed for the beach and ready to tan and swim after brekky… OFF WE GO…

How did we somehow get upgraded to an insane room AND get free brekky?!?!?!

One of our first plates of many….

And an omelette bar <3 UGH love

And then we were off to the beach. I swear we were the youngest/sexiest ones there. Check out my hot beach date.

My view for the whole day.

Is that a flying dino?

OH also decided to turn Mormon after finding this book in our hotel room….

HA. Just kidding. PS. This bikini is dedicated to Elliot Wronski :]

Our hotel.

Booze since 11am…

We later got ready, chilled on our balcony…..


And then headed to LUCKY STRIKE to watch the HEATS game. YAY Basketball.

J with his sexy cousin G and her fiance S [from the group Stellar Revival

Yeah, the band is pretty killer…. go to some shows in their next tour.. if it’s east coast I’ll probably be there :] Def any Boston or NYC shows :D


Ok i keep trying to put up the link to The Crazy Ones on here.. but it’s just the lyrics to Saving Grace…

Something about some punk and rock that just gets a girl going….

I’ll hopefully go help out at a few East Coast shows on their next tour so look out for me :D *grin* and also check out the drummer’s food blog — The Hungry Dummer .

We played a game of pool [worst game ever] but me and J won <3 WOOT. Nerds unite!!!!

G asked where I wanted to eat in Miami and I said YARDBIRD and her and S had JUST had brunch there… but then they decided to take us there after the game…. AWESOME.

Sadly no Chef Jeff McInnis here :[  HASH TAG #topchefcrush

Of course when I saw this I had to get it.  G and S warned that it was a lot of food but I was up to the challenge…

G ordered milk. I think I love her.

The cute soon-to-be-married-couple <3

Kale Salad for J and I

And our Chicken n Waffles n Watermelon!!!… we DEVOURED, DEMOLISHED, KILLLLLLED this <3 Hahahaha…… we’re fatties

Altho I did lose a watermelon in the feed fest. So I pour a little bit out to my homie watermelon…

My Feedback:

And then G and S kindly dropped us off at Nikki Beach Club…

Yeah the mojitos were overly sweet and sucked… I had lots of champagne and lots of douchebag Jersey Shore guys here….. probably never coming back to  Nikki Beach Club… but it was definitely an experience and fun..

Ended up going back and having fun enjoying Eden Roc late late night ;D

PS. Best line of my night to a guy “Catch me if you can, POKEMON” and I LITERALLY ran away”

PPS. I also had a guy ask me: “If I took you away tonight do you think your bf would mind?” UHHH YES. FUCKA.

Another FAILED Perm, Tea Time & another dinner at Din Tai Fung

They FUCKED up my perm last time. Yes. Perm. Embarrassing YES. But they fucked it up, so they should be embarrassed.

You know the bigger the boot…

The bigger the foot!

Tea Time @ Afternoon Tea in Sogo

Delicious Corn Chowder….

Duck Risotto with Poached Egg and Salad

Spicy Spaghetti with Grilled Prawns

Chicken Sandwich Salad [yes with buttery toast]

Tons of Espresso alllll for meeeee…

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Banana/Kiwi/Walnut Roll

Lemon Angel Cake

Raspberry Chocolate Mousse Cake


… I went back for a nap…and to rest my poor twisted swollen ankle…… afterwards I met up with all my aunts and mama at Din Tai Fung for dinner…

Woodear Fungus with Goji

Dan Dan Noodles – mmmm Spicy and Peanuty

Meat Buns

All this food, ALLLLLL consumed by us ladies…

Xiao Long Bao <3 The loves of my life

I ended up in food coma with Mr. Piggie staring at me til I fell asleep…. icing my ankle

度小月 & 點水樓 – Dan Tze Mien 擔仔麵 and more Soup Dumplings 小籠包

Headed over to 度小月 on Zhongxiao Rd….. a street full of restaurants and shops. YUM. But this place is famous for their dan tze mien 擔仔麵,

“Although dantze mian has its origin in Tainan, southern Taiwan, and chiehtze mian is from Taipei, they are essentially the same thing: noodles in pork broth. For a more complex dish, try a bowl of talu mian, which includes stewed pork slices, carrot slices, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, and sliced eggs. 

And then there are the noodles themselves. Noodles come in all kinds of widths and shapes, from thin vermicelli to thick, flat noodles. One of the most common varieties is wheat-flour-based noodles. Although variations featuring eggs, spinach, carrots, and even green tea are not unheard of, traditional hand-made noodles made of flour are most people’s favorite because of their chewy texture. “

Taiwan Embassy

one of my mom’s FAVORITE dishes in Taiwan.. or ever.  So me, mom and auntie headed straight inside.

They make the noodles and cook it right in the front of the shop. Awesome.

Some of our foods…

Deep fried Shrimp Rolls [which they recommended as their STAR dish..]

Auntie got the  擔仔麵 with egg noodles

Mama got the 擔仔麵 with mung bean noodles

擔仔麵 with thick chow foon [but thin] like noodles – mineeeee obviously

We shared everything but I loved my thick tender homemade noodles the most!!!!  I always love big flat noodles —- [papardelle is my favorite italian pasta]

The flavors were so good and pure.. honestly I could just eat giant bowls of these and nothing else… everything else we ordered was just noise.

Stewed Pig’s Intestines

Braised Meatballs

Stir-fried white water snowflake with cummingcordia and cloves

milk-fish stomach with ginger/garlic soup

Afterwards we wandered the streets…… including this famous shaved ice spot…


The worst buns ever

My mom bought two of each flavor and they were HORRIBLE….. Altho all I could look at were the giant chicken fried… uh, chicken steaks hahaha…. but they probably sucked too… since everything tasted old and leftover.

And then… a meal at 點水樓

The small eats – Green Beans, Bamboo, Jellyfish and White Bitter Melon <3 YUM

Xiao Long Baos… my favorite, of course.

Pig’s Feet… altho AoBa’s is still the best. These taste like the way my mom makes them, but not as good….

Oh did I tell you that I sprained my ankle?


WTF is this? Hipster Sushi? — Sushi Roku at Caesars Palace in Vegas

We got in that afternoon and after room service, a few drinks and then  shopping around Vegas in the Forum Shops in Caesars – and me buying a few new things – probably one too many things, including this dress, we popped some champagne and got ready for dinner.

Kisses from us Taiwanese Girls

We walked ALL the way over to Sushi Roku on the opposite end of where we were in Caesars… SO FREAKING FAR.

We ordered a bottle of sake, it was HUGE [see] and some Edamame to start…

Flashback a few years back at Sakae– we ALWAYS get sushi together!!!  First or Last day together <3

NOM – Sake and Edamame.. almost always a good choice, almost [haha]

We didn’t know what to get so we got all recommendations from the waitress.

Yellowtail Sashimi with Diced Chilies

Kelly didn’t care for it, but I didn’t mind it.  Nom nom nom. I like heat.  It wasn’t really heat, just some mild jalapenos, it was fresh but nothing special and over-doused with some oil

“Hanabi” Spicy Tuna with Diced Chilis on Crispy Rice

This was kind of weird. Cool concept, but I wasn’t into the crispy rice.  A bit too chewy and stuck to my teeth.  I ended up just eating off the tops – which wasn’t even spicy.  Just chopped mushy tuna with a little sprinkling on top.. was there even chilis? I think it was just scallions.

Salmon Sashimi Carpaccio with Black Truffles shaved tableside

In concept, it seemed amazing but it was meh.  WTF was that sauce?

Sea Bream and Shiso with Ume

Katana Roll with Spicy Tuna & Shrimp Tempura with Tuna and Yellowtail

These rolls?! I don’t remember anything great about them.  So disappointing….

Conclusion of food? MEH.

We even stopped our last orders of Salmon Nigiri, we wanted OUT.  Since when do I ever OPT OUT of eating?

I don’t even think we wanted the rest of the sake.  It was overpriced and under-tasty.   I know I was expecting too much since we were just lazy and wanted to get dinner somewhere close.. [plus we have a tradition of eating sushi together] but this is just embarrassing. Contemplated NOT blogging about this, but just wanted the world to know that I do eat NOT good food. I usually don’t go for sushi trying to be cool and trendy, but I’ve never had it this bad. MEH.  I’m glad I was tipsy to not really remember the bad experience to detail.  If you can’t do it right traditionally, don’t try to be HIPSTA about it.

We left and headed off to TAO at the Venetian…

The best fun we had all night:

We actually don’t remember these happening..


More than just half a dozen oysters… @ Saltwater

Yayyy.. the Detroit blogs continue. Yes I know you’re excited.. that I’m still alive ;D TEEHEE

ANYWAYS — at this point, I’m pretty sure the MGM Hotel Room Service knows me by now and shudders when I call for food. I also usually just pay for it by card so it probably annoys them to death walking up and down, to and fro, but aside from that, I’ve made friends with the food senders hehe.

Lunch was a chopped vegetable salad [capers, tomatoes, celery, greens, feta, pinenuts, etc the WORKS] and this:

Spicy Tuna Tartare with avocado, pickled ginger and sesame wonton crisps. Delish!  Definitely helped with my sushi craving as well…  I can never get enough of raw fish!

The crisps were SO freaking good, DEEE-VOURED. I think I was supposed to eat them WITH the tuna but I inhaled all the creamy tuna first, put the avocado on my salad and then crunched on the greasy wontons.

BTW. I had the truffle chips with blue cheese the other day. SO GOOD, but SO BAD. I got SOOOO sick from them :[ Guess they were too rich and greasy for my stomach to handle. WTF is going on with me and being sick lately? It’s like I got a bug that’ll never leave. That or my tapeworm is the one getting sick hahaha. BTW, see how it says “Seasonal Soup of the Day”? Just for kicks I called them to ask what their soup of the day was… EVERY DAY and it’s always asparagus soup. HAHA. Just say no to stinky pee.

Ok onwards. Workity workity but I had oysters on my brain. CONSTANTLY. So I decided to throw on some clothes and visit the boyfriend at work.

It was pretty empty when I first walked in and plopped myself at the bar. After too much booze the last time I was here, sober dinner it was. Well, snack rather… I ordered a half a dozen oysters… and got so so much more :]

And look, W came out just to shuck some oysters for me personally :]

I’m a spoiled little princess!

I ended up with a dozen GORGEOUS, perfectly shucked, delicious oysters.. and a few raw clams as well :] YUM!

I thought that was it, but W texted me from the kitchen saying that there was another dish….

And then out came these:

If you can’t enjoy fresh radishes with butter & salt, I duno if we can be friends anymore.

Crunchy. Beautiful. Fresh. Crisp. OHHHHH JOY.  I was SOOO HAPPY!!!! My neighbors got radish envy so they got some too :] Compliments of Chef W <3 HEHE. BUT THAT WASN’T THE DISH!!!!! There was another surprise in store for me….

Fresh gorgeous raw tuna on cubes of cheese.. tasted like a mild feta and some crushed/crumbled croutons and EVOO – AMMMMAZE BALLS!

Damn. Now I’m craving radishes….

LA LA LA. Joy!

Lazy Sunday… and a MEH Gyro in Greektown

We slept in a bit and then headed to the pool for some swimming and hot tub. GORGEOUS.

We were STARVING so we cleaned up, got dressed and decided to go out for some barbecue and wandering…

Before heading to lunch/brunch/lunner.. hahahaha our driver brought us to see the old Michigan Central Train Station…  Incredible…sooo gorgeous.

Afterwards our driver headed to Slow’s Bar BQ but it was PACKED so we decided to try another place.  The driver suggested Greektown so off we went…. so many choices there. [Dont worry we ended up eating at Slow’s the next day!]

We wandered around a bit and ended up at New Parthenon in Greektown.  There were a lot of cute little shops and dining places.. and a super popular bakery that was packed.. next time I wanna get something from there.

Glory Hole?

Bread and Butter

I tried a glass of a Greek White Wine.. Saint Panteleimon I think it was – the description said semi-sweet but it was definitely more than that…. it was sweet, almost TOO sweet but just enough NOT THAT sweet. Does that make sense?

Honestly, as soon as we sat down and looked at the menu, it was SUCHHHH a large menu that we both lost appetite and decided to just keep it simple and get gyros. Honestly if you go to their website, what they put on there isn’t even the whole menu, it was literally like 4 HUUUUUUUUUGE pages of hundreds of things. OK, maybe not hundreds, but still, it was a LOT. WAYYY too overwhelming.  I hate it when restaurants have HUGE menus.

W got the Gyro platter and I got the Chicken Gyro platter. Both came with meat, sageki, pita bread, choice of fries or rice/veggies and tomatoes and onions.

And guess what? They were build it yourself! Hahaha… so awkward.

They gave me the head and the butt of the tomato :[ Sad. But W gave me some of his tomato slices hehehehe…  The sauce was good but the rest of it was meh.

I tried.  I really tried, I was starving so I ate until I was full and stopped.

We decided to get some desserts. SIGH

Greek honey balls with cinnamon and walnuts

It was too overly sweet for me.  Yes, even for ME!  They tasted like Munchkins soaked in just sugar water and sprinkled with some cinnamon and doused with crushed walnuts LOL

Baklava with Ice Cream

I was too mushy for my liking and wayyy overly sweet than normal baklava.  YES YES I know baklava is super sweet but still.. I like feeling the nuts in my teeth and mouth [HAHA, that’s what SHE SAID] but this was too mushy….

I wanted to like this place, I really do, I rarely find a gyro that I don’t like, or baklava I won’t finish and lick off the plate buttttt…. :[ It just didn’t do it for us. *sad face*

We headed back to the hotel and relaxed at the Concierge lounge for a bit – pretty view.  Detroit is SUCH a quiet city. Srsly.

Needed to redeem ourselves from the bad gyro for lunch with something delicious so we headed down to the Breeze Food Court at MGM for some delicious burgers at the Relish stand.

Spinning burger grill WOOOO!

We both got Bacon Cheeseburgers with the works, fries and onion rings :D  Tummy is finally happy. But OMG they gave us SO much mayo on the side *gag* Apparently Detroit loves their mayo.  We are SO not in…kansas anymore?! HAHA…bad joke.

Cut Off – Only in Bumf*ckville

The day started like any other. Off to meetings, feeling like a cool kid with my hedgehog sweater…

I’m so cool it HURTS!

A venti ice black coffee + Turkey & Swiss sammy from Starbucks for lunch.. a quickie one.. I had to run some errands for my mom, do some grocery shopping…… and then MORE meetings and work… *sigh*

Around 3 I was starving again so I warmed up a bowl of corn, egg and scallion soup from the other night – TONS of white pepper of course :] MMMMMM spicy and hot and burns so good going down.


It started snowing around noonish so apparently this meant “storm” but it’s only considered a storm since this year was severely lacking IN snow. Sigh. This was NOTHING.

Work work work, I need a break.  Thankfully M saved me from Bumf*ckville…

We’re on a mission….. and I love missions.  M headed over to pick me up for oysters and bubbles, again, and this time we were on a mission to Legals.  A dozen Raw Oysters and a bottle of Champagne ordered….

We also got a plate of Mussels in a creamy white wine sauce, super garlicky, and of course, my favorite, a bucket of Steamers.  As we finished up out bottle of bubbles we ordered another bottle and was about to order crab cakes and a few entrees, we were told we were cut off. One bottle an hour. Wait what?  We’ve been there for almost 2.  So the manager comes over and stutters and mutters and doesn’t know what he’s saying. Back and forth from one glass per person per hour to two, and then back to no more bottles and if we got another glass of wine we were done for the night. Seriously?! All we had was our appetizers and we were cut off and told to drink water. NOT happy. So we got the check and left. At least they comped our steamers….

Manager said it was Framingham laws but I’ve never gotten cut off anywhere BUT here in the area. SO lame.

Next stop?  It wasn’t even 8 yet and we were already cut off.  We were gonna head to British Beer but then decided on Met Bar since I needed their Hummus.

We ordered a glass of white wine each…. and started to dig in….

They even gave us another basket of fluffy hot pita bread – SO good.. we also got Met Fries with Truffle Mayo and Aioli, Spicy Calamari, Guacamole and Chips, a pitcher of Sangria [too sweet and tasted just like watered down juice] and Korean BBQ Chicken Tacos

Pretty but not tasty.  SO not KOREAN.  Or very taco like either. Or BBQ… there was something WAY too sweet in it.. almost floral and fruity, weird, not a fan.   The wraps/shells were meh.  They closed the kitchen at 9 and last call for drinks was at 930. SERIOUSLY?! At least they left us with some harsh cocktails during alcohol last call.. UGH, closing early?!?! On a Wednesday night?!?!  All cause of the nonexistent snowstorm going on…. it was literally just a light slush.  No bueno.


We ended up at a Cigar bar near my house that actually stays open til midnight on the weekdays.  “Now you have a good place to come to in Bumf*ckville” :] Some good booze, think scotch and in a very chill environment we chatted and watched fights on the teevee. CAULIFLOWER EARS *ew* hahahaha…. but yes, midnight rolled around and once again. CUT OFF :[

The night ended with me running around in the snow outside my house.. foot prints everywhere HAHAHAHA….

I’m weird :]