Greek Food at the Hellenic Festival – Cambridge

This summer… back at the Greek Orthodox Church on Magazine street  in Cambridge I went to the Greek festival for some good eats and fun.

“White wine please.. the whole bottle”
“Just for you?”


it used to be “Big Buns & Pita” (all this food lately IS making MY buns big ;])

…but now it’s Sahara Kabob.

I’m sorry but the former name is so much more badussy (in the words of Onch ;])

BUT THE WEBSITE is still: :D woot!

So I like Greek/Med food but it’s been awhile… I used to eat it all the time when I worked at Directory M since a ton of my coworkers were from that region… and there was an amazing Med place right by work… but I’m lame and always got the Chicken Shwarma.. (so loves it) since it came with amazing rice with tiny pieces of noodles, the sauce.. and just delicious chicken. I’ve had a falafel ONCE in my life and it was there and I wasn’t impressed.. it made me hesitant to ever eat it again.. until now…

Boyfriend LOVES this place.. and I trust him. So I go along with it. He used to come here all the time.. trekking thru rain and snow… and he has good stories about the place and people there. So I enjoy listening as we walk and eat there :]

To start… we had the Baba Ghanouj, Boorek, & Medames, as appetizers…. I LOVE the rice with sweet carrots and raisins that the dishes come with. YUM! They also give you soup or salad (we got the delicious lentil soup) and pickled jalapeno, beets, onions, etc… to munch on… and of course pita!!!

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Art, Baklava, Clams & 3D glasses

I am swearing off CANDY (gummies, lollipops, etc…) til Thanksgiving!!!! An occasional piece of DARK CHOCOLATE is okay but nothing else. NO cookies, cakes, desserts, etc… UNLESS it’s the weekend and when I EAT OUT, I’m not allowed to buy it home. I’m getting pudgey and totally unhealthy. All the stress from work is really upping my sugar intake and since diabetes runs in my family, I really need to be more careful. PLUS, I need to detox, especially since I feel so crummy lately, due to other health reasons >_<; BUT if I eat candy, you can e-punch/kick/nunchuck my booty :D

It was SO gorgeous out I NEEDED to get out of the house despite feeling really down in the dumps. So I went to the MFA!!! I haven’t been there since summer and there were some new exhibits I wanted to check out.

I LOOOOVE it here, I can spend hours and hours drawing and writing in this museum since I started coming here in the 5th grade!!!!! What can I say, I love FOOD, FASHION & ART!!!… hmm, MUSIC too… I guess I’m just an all around artsy girl :]

OHOHOH BEFORE I FORGET *can’t contain excitement!!!* Guess which GUMMY VITAMIN is the newwwwwwwwwwww one….???? :D Hehehe *giggle giggle fart fart*


It was the ONLY way for my parents to get me to start taking vitamins again… so EVERY MORNING after I shower and get ready and start popping them :] Even tho now I also take vitamins with my herbal drink (iron… multi… C, this and that.. so many >_<;) I STILL LOVE THESE!!!

Does anyone ELSE eat these other than the super duper cool Gliding Calm & Moi?

(btw, if you guessed the IMMUNE C ones you win an e-cookie!!!)

Guava on the drive there…

I needed a snack tho before I began my wondering around the hallways…. I also needed a pick me up caffeine boost… I wasn’t really hungry and was content with my coffee… but then I had a slight chew craving… plus my partner in crime wanted some munchies… (Note: I was KINDA curious about their Roasted Pumpkin Salad…. but then opted out of it…. I don’t like getting prepared squash outside cuz they always overdo it on the butter, oil, sugar, etc… and most of the time I never like the way it comes out as opposed to making it myself… hehehe, I’m so picky!!!)

Coffee Break @ the Courtyard Café!!!

What should I get???

Spiced Walnut Baklava w/ Orange-Honey Syrup
While this was on the sweet side it was SOOOOOOOO delicious and you could really taste the orange (you could even see the orange zest!!!) I ate.. most of it :] HAHA.. 

+ Turkish Coffee Pudding Tart w/ Cardamom Cream
I wasn’t impressed :[ Especially next to the Baklava… this looked like a cheap defrosted tart with some mildly flavored coffee pudding plopped sloppily in it. Baklava was worth the 7.95$ this was SOOO not! At least I KINDA got my coffee’s worth getting over 3 refills :] Hahaha…

I had a great time at the museum… :] It closed at 445 since it was a Sunday :[ Boo! I stopped by Starbucks…

& Walgreens (for some bandaids + more cooking mags + the chinese paper for my parents) on the way home….

I’ve had a HORRIBLE stomachache all day :[ I got some niiiice herbal tea!!!! It didn’t really help tho :[ 

Super Dinner for my Anemia!!!! (well, according to Health Castle)

Steamed Brussel Sprouts (Iron Absorption Enhancer) & Steamed Clams (Execellent source of Heme Iron) !!! (I’ll explain what that sauce/other dish is in a sec)

I LOOOOVE steamed brussel sprouts.. so sweet!!!
I sprinkle it with TONS of hot pepper flakes :] 

Steamed Clams + Tabasco = LOVE!!!

I had some of the soup too, MMM so good!!!
I had like 34 of these babies!!! I need more more more…. 

& then my mommy made Taiwanese 炸酱面 (Zha Jiang Mien) – since there are different versions slightly varied by where you go…. Koreans make 자장면 really good too :]

SOOOO thick and chunky with lots of veggies and pork :]  Nice + Spicy too!!! NOM!!! This was on Shirataki Noodles :]

I’m off to watch JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH with the 3-d glasses the movie comes with :D

I have meetings startng at 8:30 tomorrow morning, my back is super sore and I feel so horrible and lightheaded so I think I’m gonna work at home again.. which means, I’m SO making myself a HUGE piping bowl of PUMPKIN OATS in the morning :] Well, I’m between that and carrot cake oatmeal (inspired by Erica)…. we’ll see how much time I have between meetings/work to do it.

(btw, I thought I’d share my PB stash…)
They’re all almost empty, except the Heat is On which I haven’t opened yet…

I STILL CAN’T FIND MIGHTY MAPLE!!!! *freaks out* I only saw it ONCE at my local WF and then NEVER again, ANYWHERE :[ My favorites so far are…. Bee’s Knees, White Chocolate Wonderful & Cinnamon Raisin Swirl…. ok, I love them all, but the Dk. Chocolate Dreams actually doesn’t appeal to me – strangely enough… 

I bought lots of AWESOME HUUUUUUGE MUGS from Starbucks today that I can eat my OATS in :D I’m SO excited.. hahaha… I also bought Dora the Explorer band-aids, YAY!


edit @ 1102pm
Journey to the Center of the Earth was AWESOME!!! The 3d glasses made me dizzy tho so after a little bit I switched back to the 2d version.

I’ve been in a thriller/drama/horror movie craze lately so a nice fun kid action movie was AWESOME!!! I think I’m gonna watch ALL kiddie movies this week :]

I had a piece of dragonfruit

& 2 Cherimoyas!!! ♥

My new love, my new crack!!! Crackity cracky crack :]

NIIIIIIIIIITE!!! I’m gonna try to go to bed early, but I might fail cuz I really wanna read some cookbooks and cooking mags :]