Midnight Snack @ Mr Cat with Friends 貓咪先生的朋友

Okay, back from another Family Fun day.. tired, sore but still ready for more.. so I headed to 貓咪先生的朋友 right by my hotel… aka Mr Cat with Friends. I’ve been past it SO many times and kept saying, “next time I’ll go” but haven’t. SO I went in expecting just to grab a beer or something but alas, more happened…

Taipei, Taiwan台北市大安路一段83巷3號A樓1F

Go in the cute red door…


I love her. I want her. Can I still her? Makes me miss my cat Misty :[ She was that small when I first got her.. in 6th Grade… *pout* Also miss my Didi baby…

She drank form my water glass EEEE <3

Cutest Decor, no?! And cute fluffy cats everywhere!!!

Lychee Liquor, Blue Rum, 7-Up, Fruits and Fruit Jellys

After talking with one of the owners for awhile he was nice enough to come up with one of their special concoctions for me.  Previously it was gonna have tequila, but I guess me being a girlieeeee he replaced it with lychee instead :]  Kinda wanted the teguila, bu this tasted like candy!!!!

SOOO GOOD… the jellies made it SO fun! I’d love this if I were 5, couldn’t taste booze at all… I’ve been eating so much all day not sure if it was weak on the alcohol content or I was just already too poisoned from the drinks & wine earlier… ;]

Fried Snack Platter of Fries, Mozzarella Sticks, Chicken Nuggets and Onion Rings..
BEST kind of drinking food ;] They were sprinkled with rosemary and parm :] Or was it oregano… wait, either way, yummy herbs and parm.. dammit! Why is everything SO much tastier here?! The cheese seemed forever melty and stretchy.. the nuggets were supppppper QQ [haha tender] and SOOOO JUICY… and crispity perfectly fried fries.. OHHH MAN!!!!

So, they have lots of “real” dishes I wanna try, including different mini pizzas, burgers and sandwiches… BUT since it was almost midnite and I’ve been eating all day, I got… this?! to “eat less”?! Yeah I duno, drinking food ;]

Crepe filled with Amaretto Cherry Ice Cream

Fluffy tender crepe with fruity sauces drizzled over it… wrapped inside was delicious creamy ice cream… and sprinkled on top was a variety of chopped nuts. YUM! I need more black peanuts tho *must resist to open til back in States LOL

This place is cute, quaint and yummy :] The owners are super nice, especially the guy with the facial hair who talked with us for a good while and they are open til like 2am which is great for girls like me who are always hungry mostly after midnite :] PLUS, cute kitties to play with!!!!

and now, for your amusement…

— coming soon, currently uploading —

Enhanced by Zemanta

Fan 范 Family Fun Day in Hsinchu including Lunch at 坊間小館 Tony’s Brasserie

Woke up super early at 8am to catch the HSR to Hsinchu to meet up with family, 范 family, mommy’s side [best side LOL]

Cranky and playing games on my iTouch

pst Borrowed a few pics from the awesome blog at loongchih.pixnet.net so hope they don’t mind :D I was too busy eating and socializing with my huge family to really take pics or take note of all the food… so here’s the basic gist of it…

Condiments bar..

My bowl was all Sacha, Chillies, Scallions and Tofu Ru [Fermented Tofu] = YUM

Cousins – I sat at the “Kiddie” Table, even tho we’re all not kids anymore.. and some of us HAVE their own kids LOL including my recently married and new mommy, cousin, Angela :]

Pig Stomach & Eggplant, Cold Dishes & Cucumbers and Roasted Chicken

YUMMM!!!!! I loved the cucumbers and chicken dish – it was a cold dish but SO GOOD!!!

Here comes the hot pot :]

Fatty Pork over Pickled Cabbage, Meat balls and Frozen Tofu


I ate so many balls… fish balls, beef balls, NOM NO BALLS :]

Bowl #129381293813 of mine ;]

Braised Fish and other dishes…

We ended up eating tons of other dishes like veggies with 1,000 yr old egg, seafood veggies, tofu, fried seafood, smoked fatty duck… omg the works!!!

Here’s Angela’s baby boy, sooo cute, after eating and falling asleep sucking on his bottle :]

When all the dishes were out we got fried man-toes… that you dip in condensed milk.. usually when I eat these they’re just individual buns cut into four but these were huge and long and fluffy and yum!!!

I had a huge end piece which I couldn’t stop dipping in the sugary milk sauce :] NOM!

And after a delicious fruit plate of Guava, Pineapple and Bell Apples… we had some sweet soup with Goji and 白木耳

Afterwards ALL of us, okay not all of us, some of us left, like 30-40 of us, went back to my Uncle’s new house to eat, drink and be merry some more :] Much alcohol was consumed at the restaurant so the adults were silly and a little red in the face :] HEE HEE

Us telling jokes and being silly

Black Peanuts

I was SO in love with these my auntie gave me a HUUUUUGE unopened package to bring home.. might eat all before I leave… oops

Me, Melissa and my youngest cousin from my youngest uncle.. don’t know her english name #fail

I have the cutest cousins EVER!!! Food coma? LOL

After a nice yummy dinner of “wine Duck”, chicken soup and cabbage and chinese chives pork dumplings… my auntie made more food to go with some of this wine for us :] I had two or three glasses.. maybe ;]

Waking up at 8 and getting back pretty late… I actually ended up going out for a drink and MORE snacks….

Daddy also bought my skittles and Chicken Flavored Pringles for the trainride home…

Crunch crunch crunch

Next blog? My Cat’s Friend

Hot Pot at 上都和食

After a day of shopping, exploring and tea time at WooBar…. we got a Tea Set again… and always some others…

Chicken Satay Skewers with Cucumber Peanut Butter Relish

Bubbles in the Tropics

White Rum, Fresh Lemon, Passionfruit, Champagne

This was so super tasty!!!! I love the passionfruit seeds in it!!! The flavor was great, and ya’ll know how much I love my bubbles!!

Taipei Champagne

Lychee Liqueur with Fresh Orange and Lemon, Topped with Champagne

I’ve always been a sucker for lyrhcee flavored things… especially booze ;] #soasian

…with my mom’s bestie and her daughter, Serena we headed to Hankyu department store, right next door and after wandering a bit we went upstairs knowing we wanted Japanese food.  So sushi + hotpot it was at Uni-Sato 和食 Japanese Fusion Restaurant.

I’m obsessed with buttons and knowing that this was here made me obsessed with pressing it to call the waiters over. *big bong*

Complimentary Oshinko Su/Pickled Radishes

Straight up we ordered the 海鮮味噌紙火鍋, a seafood/crab hotpot set.

Veggies, squid, fish, fish balls, seaweed, etc etc

Miso Soup HotPot

Giant Japanese Oysters & Crab

Fat Juicy and Tender.. reminds me of the ones from Kenka’s.

Peekabooboo ;]

Adding in some veggies

Yummy White Rice

Scallop Sashimi

It was supposed to be half the scallops cooked and half of it raw but I wanted it all raw. These, unlike the ones back in the States, were whole thick fat scallops, I’m used to them sliced thinly… still good.

Salmon Sashimi

This, like the scallops, was supposed to come with cooked AND raw salmon but I asked for all raw… Why is sashimi in Asia so freaking skinny?!?!.. LOL.. I like my salmon nice fat and juicy ;]

酥炸軟殼蟹/Deep Fried Soft Shelled Crab

Ok I know these noodle-like things are made some sort of veg but I can’t figure out what it’s called in engrish, waa. Help?!

Grilled Japanese Fish

Fishy, tender and succulent.. full of flavor.  Came with shaved radish and a nice juicy lime to squirt over it.

Side Salad/Dish of Cold Shrimp, Japanese Taro, Peppers, etc…

Fresh fluffy rice with tea infused , tiny shrimp YUM

Miso Soup that came with the Fish set

信田蒸/Chiwan Mushi that came with the Fish set

And finally they came out with our Sashimi platter.. with different fishes, roe, sweet shrimp and delicious creamy yummy uni :]

Sucked the shrimp head dry, ate the tender body.. and of course the creamy uni slid one by one, blob by blob over my tongue and down my throat. Delicious.

Complimentary Dessert of Sweet Red Bean Soup thickened with mochi paste

This place was delicious. So much more food and so much cheaper than EN from the other day [worst lol]

菊島 – 澎湖海鮮餐廳 Seafood Restaurant

Dressed up and headed off to Hsinchu to see some relatives and eat some good grub early this morning…. new Tod’s foxfur purple bag and furry Prada boots :]  I gots my hair curled and wore some cute short shorts!! HUZZAH!!

Eating Wax Apples/Bell Fruit/蓮霧 on the HSR :] One of my favorite fruits EVER AND I’ve only ever since it here in Asia – none in the States :[ BOO!

When we got to the station we waited for some of my aunts to get there, I was starved so I stopped by the 7 to get some grub…

Salads… For Men, For Women…

Fried Patties? In the fridge?!… interesting…

Steamed bunnnsss!!!


And then I got some of this yummies


YAYYYY!!! My fav sort of cheap eats…

Daikon :D

We got to my uncles house and had our own little tea time…
Aren’t these tea strainers and cups cute?! They’re from Starbucks!! How come we don’t sell these in the States? BOO!!!

The most delicious cheesecake in Taiwan :] From a little bakery in Taichung near my aunt’s house!!

Eating cheesecake, peanuts, oranges, cookies and others ALL right before dinner time… :]

菊島 – 澎湖海鮮餐廳 Seafood Restaurant has been open for only a month or so…

A nice welcoming sign :] The lady of the house was a pretty young lady by the name of Sophia!!! She was so nice and came to talk to us :]

My Uncle is pretty VIP and has already been to this restaurant like 4x so we got the Chef’s Tasting… we had no idea how many courses or what was coming out, just a set price and lots of yummies brought out to us!

Housemade super spicy Kimchi. DELICIOUS!

Salad with a Japanese dressing…

Corn, okra, cucumber, apple, asparagus, onions and lettuce!! YUM!!!

Conch and Sashimi plate!

Delicious crunchy fresh conch and tender super super fresh sashimi!!!! :D

Blowfish Skin Sashimi & Quickly Poached Oysters

You pour this garlicky sauce over the raw blowfish skin.. it was crunchy and SO good. A little fishy but fantastic. What a great experience.  The poached oysters were fat and juicy and full of flavor.. but it was the skin that totally won my tummy over.

Fried octopus balls and Fried seafood/chinese chives rolls

I completely fell in love with the octopus balls, they may have been fried but were super light and the innards were ALL octopus, no batter so definitely not like takoyaki.  These were SO good and dense of octopus, tender octopus.  The seaweed rolls were filled with unrecognizable parts of seafood… me thinking squid and sorts. and lots of chinese chives.

Seaweed with  Baby Clams

The seaweed was cooked to the point of mushy but so goood… delicious seaweed taste and simply cooked with juicy tender fresh baby clams! YUM!

Thinly sliced Sirloin with Ginger and Gingko

Each piece of beef had a thin slice of ginger on it.  Simply cooked in a light broth filled with plump juicy gingko seeds.

Sake Shot :]

Partway thru the beginning of dinner we started drinking cold shots of sake – SO YUM!

They brought out a HUGE plate of mixed veggies and mushrooms.. filled with lily bulbs, gingko seeds and a variety of wild mushrooms YUM

Spicy Fried Fish [烏魚 – Mullet] Belly over Flash Fried Basil

The flash fried basil just melted on your tongue into a delicious basil-y goodness… the fish belly was thick and tender and super juicy and mixed with a spicy spice blend and fried. SO GOOD!

Next came Scorpionfish cooked over pickled cabbage and thickly sliced raw scallions
Tender and while not meaty, we had this earlier before and I was so in love with the pickled cabbage… YUM!  Wish it was meatier.. :[ Hahah I probably could’ve eaten the whole thing by myself in minutes… but #mustbealady ;D

Miso Fish Soup

A nice huge hunk of fish.. while boney, so delicious and lots of daikon

Pumpkin Rice Noodles [米粉] stir-fried with Pumpkin, Fatty Pork and baby Clams

Apparently this stuff is famous in HsinChu… oh oh oh oh oh so yummy!!!

I got a nice big bowl of it and ate it all up.  The noodles were tender and orange and pumpkin-y all on it’s own.. not to mention TONS of slivers of tenderly cooked pumpkin with the occasional bite of baby clam or fatty pork. YUM!

After a satisfying and totally delicious meal, out came a light dessert.. Asian ppl have fruit for dessert ;]

Jelly made from 愛玉 [Ficus pumila var. awkeotsang] flavored with caramel and a splash of lemon juice

SO good and refreshing!!!

This place was delicious and totally recommended!!!  It’s brand new and hopefully here to stay.. hopefully it just gets better :] YUM!