…the Morning After

As important as the last meal of the year is… don’t you think the first meal is just as much so? My first meal of 2010 was spectacular, unbeatable… and I’m so glad I enoyed it hangover free :]

We decided a few days beforehand that we wanted Momofuku Noodle Bar to be our first meal of the new year. So Momo it would be…

Do you see how excited I am for my Momo?

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Miss Tiffie’s Quarter Life Crisis

On August 3 I turned 25 :] And as tradition goes, I go to NYC and I party my butt off… I like starting my new years off with a bang… and I tend to celebrate all thru August. So here, finally, I’ve gotten off my lazy butt and blogged about it.. it’s picture heavy but hope you enjoy the ride :]

The Agenda
August 15, NYC
Dinner @ Boqueria (SOHO Location) @ 930
& The Party @ KUSH LOUNGE @ 1130 – close (4)

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Yummy Yummy in my Tu… UrbanBelly…

Oh Bill Kim, you and your amazing noodles and dumplings. Thursday we planned out an adventure. Boyfriend, his brother and I took the train.. and then the bus and then walked over to… wait… the laundromat? Dollar store?


Oh me, oh my. What a hidden gem :]

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Taiwan – Dec 22 – Taipei 101 & Late Nite Hotpot


I think it’s cuz they take the time to masssssage your head and REALLY get in there I don’t have to wash my hair everyday and it’s super clean and fresh!! I also got in a habit of getting my hair curled!!!

Yay for CURLS!!!

The inside of Taipei 101 (more outside pictures and ones from above on the New Years Eve post!!!)

Oyster Pancake/Omelette (蚵仔煎)

The dish consists of an omelette with a filling primarily composed of small oysters. Starch is mixed into the egg batter, giving the resulting egg wrap a thicker consistency. Depending on regional variation, a savory sauce may then be poured on top of the omelette for added taste.

I LOOOVE this stuff but only from Taiwan :] It’s a Taiwanese dish, goopy & delicious!!!

I bought a ton of preserved fruits from here :] They’re coming in the 3 HUUUGE boxes I mailed back from Taiwan!!!

The food court was amazing and had everything from all types of Chinese (HK, Shanghai, Taiwan, etc.. -style) to Japanese Hotpots, Korean BBQs, Indian, Singapore, French, “American”, Italian, etc.. etc… I had to walk around 3x to finally settle on my food (all bought from different vendors!!!)

Healthy soups and noodles :D NOM!

3 different Kimchis and SUPER spicy Kimchi seafood noodle soup

Red Bean & Mochis

After eating we did some more shopping and I had some fun at Jean-Paul Gaultier

Then it was tea time @ Amadeus

Kaffee Amadeus

What I love about tea time in Taiwan is that it’s EVERYWHERE. Unless it’s a dessert-based cafe tho, most tea time places offer just combos that are cheaper. Like spaghetti & a drink, etc… I, of course, always got desserts & coffee/tea .. and this place, one of my FAV places for tea time in Taiwan, was dessert-based.

Menu sneak peek:

What I got:

I love this:

YAY!!! My tea…

Black Sesame Mousse Cake w/ a baby Macaron on top!!!

Chestnut Mousse Cake

It’s def my fav dessert in Taiwan!!

The chestnut on top was liquor soaked, oh my oh my!!! This thing was insanely good and the thing about Taiwan desserts is that it’s not disgustingly sweet. I duno how I’m even gonna enjoy Japanese desserts anymore :[

Oh this is when I was gonna take a picture of me + Black Sesame 

BUT IT FELL OVER :[  Very sad day… but it was super tasty and I ate it all anyways :]

I decided to check out more cakes and pastries…

When a Sogo closes, all the employees line up by the escalators (9 floors and I think it was 3 basements) and they bow and say thanks for coming. I was giggling.

I ended the night with a late night all-you-can-eat mala Hotpot (麻辣火锅) The places closes i think at 3am :D
Free sides of your choice:

Pickled Chicken feet, Pickled Cucumbers annnnd.. I don’t remember dish #3

The left is regular and the right is mala (super spicy!!!) Since this thing was all you can eat, it’s what I did, ALLLL I could eat. That first plate was just the beginning….

Nomerrific!! The soup bases there always come with fish and 榨菜