Sushi Taro — Kaiseki & Sushi Tasting

Me and my W wanted Sushi… so after a day of work we finally decided to go find sushi. We KNEW we wanted sushi and didn’t know where to go.

THANKFULLY we met up with L and some of W’s friends and we decided on SUSHI TARO – a tiny walk up next to a CVS

Mr Octopussy says hi

So I’ve been back and forth about how to blog about out food since we both got different tastings.. So I’m gonna do it separately.  We shared our food but it’s easier to separate it.

We decided to get two different tastings.   W got the sushi tasting minus shellfish…


Liver……. something….. and eggplant



He’s so Jiro

We actually both got this soup so you can see more detail on my tasting.. except his didn’t have shellfish i it.

More sexy sushi

W totally shared his sushi with me…

Looked gross.. but very very soft and tender… W wasn’t into the texture as much.. i think it was beltfish.. but still.. NOM

More sushi sexiness..

And for the last course he got MY spicy tuna roll…

And I got the Kaiseki with wine pairing for me…


Delicious aperitif sake with flower petals…

The most beautiful soft tender tofu

With a yummy pairing

Monkfish, oyster and eggplant

By this point my pairing kept coming super super late.

My Sashimi – DEEEElicious

The soup I talked about before…

Squeeze some lime…

Shrimp, fishcake, fish, etc.. YUM

SOOO GOOOOOD….. fried soba, fried fish, wasabi lotus root, squid, sweet potato, pome seeds, tomato and squid ink fried wakame.

OH and a escargot W helped open for me.

I got a yummy fish… that tasted SUPPPER sweet.. shisito pepper and then some… YUM

A duck meatball in a daikon wrap and surrounded by crabmeat. Sadly the duck meatball was COLD so  only ate around it.

I got W’s sushi in exchange for him getting my maki roll. Eel. Scallop and Salmon. <3

Next time we will try TURTLE!!!

For dessert, W picked the chocolate cake:

And I picked the chestnut cake…

YUMMMMMMMMMM. Will go back.

Excuse Me Waiter?… There’s something in my Ice…

Looks beautiful, yes, but the seating is just so random. Most of it is counter sitting and NO room for legs. Hello…. I’m 5’7.5″ and R is well over 6 feet tall….. NOT fun for us and our knees…

My leg could barely fit under the table. And R is even taller than me…. Who sits here? People 5 feet tall? The waitress wasn’t even kind enough to pull out the table for me to try to fit in…

Then they tell us.. OH, we’ll give you a table in the main dining room if you leave by 9. It was almost 8. — just to let you know the service was so spotty, we were only done with half our food by 930… fail for them. What were they gonna do, kick us out half way? We opted for the seats in the middle again….

Back to the main dining room for us….

“So….. If I ever come back again, do I have to request a table when I make the reservation?”
“Yes if you do then I will get you a table…”
*smirk* If…

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