Halloweenie FUN & YUM with my Bestie

My bestie/sister Katy threw a Halloween party on Friday – woo just in time before the snow/rain storm we had in the New England area…. – btw my town’s Trick or Treating was postponed til FRIDAY!!!! :[ so sad.. Anyways.. this post consists of mainly my pics and some of others.. cuz I started drinking since like 1 or 2 so by the end I stopped taking pics.. still need to take some CUTE ones from Kate’s sis :]

BTW, used my macbook as playlist for the party now its’ SOOO sticky from alcohol poured all over it, it’s a miracle it still works but it took me soooo long just to type this sentence :[ Dear Santa, I want a new MacBook Pro for Xmas <3 LOVE YOUUUUU… ok onwards….

A few weeks ago I had seen these and I know I had to get them for Katy and I for the party – special skull goblets!!!!  Hers is of course Orange, her fav color :D   Immediately filled with some Italian white vinooooo :]

After grocery shopping for snacks we stopped by Fresh City for some city of freshness… hehehe…. I got a delicious and oniony [haha, ya’ll know I’m obsessed with raw red onion] Farmers Market salad w/ this AMAZING Ranch sort of dressing, which I hate ranch but this was pretty good, on the side to dip of course, and turkey!  Kate did SUCH a good job with decor :]  TRYING to find pics of her outside house.. we hung skeletons on the windows she had blood splatter EVERYTHING. UGH. LOVE. We are SUCH soulmates.

Kate’s loving her Caesar wrap :D NOM! She’s SO cute <3

After lunch I started working on the BOO Treat Cones…

His face kinda melted…

Making mummy pizzas.. we got regular french bread and garlic bread.. I love variety :D Hhehehehe hopefully Kate doesn’t hate me, I took this pic right after she showered…

Some pizza sauce, sliced olives for eyes… and you can see the thinly sliced cheese [mozz] shredded – Kate’s AWESOME at cutting the cheese  :]

THEN came our fried oreos…

Basic Fry Batter… with lots of red+yellow dye for ORANGE :]

BTW inbetween all of these we were watching REALLY bad d-list horror movies, drinking, talking etc.. etc.. :] BOUNCING to music!


1 c flour, 1 c milk, 2 tsp oil, 1 egg mix mix mix mix

Getting ready to fry Halloween orange oreos :]

Beautifully orange

Decorated Oreos

THEN we started getting dressed…

But first some yummy takeout from 99.. WHICH I didn’t end up eating.. WHICH is why I got to.. “un-sober”


Who you gonna call?…. GhostMikstertheBuster :]

I love Kate giving Minnie fingers in the background, TOO CUTE.


Hamster Dancing

Yeah, we’re drunk

Me and T won Most Original Costume :D

Winners of Funniest, Original and Best Costumes <3

KISS KISS <3 xoxoxoxoxoo BESTiES/SISTErS for LIFE

Into the Paranormal?!.. Visit Kate’s Paranormal Investigation Blog site! She’s like the female Zak Bagans of Mass.. HOT and awesome :] And totally in touch with the “other side” :] I’d get with both ;D

Happy Belated Halloween….

Life has been crazy. I thought I was gonna finally catch up on posts, but instead I just need catching up on sleep and getting over this stupid cold that has yet to break up with me. Obviously I’m obsessed with Alice in Wonderland….. so as you can see, it was a VVonderland filled Halloween weekend <3

Didi O Lantern

Stitch <3

We actually had Mexican Food Friday night…. so Didi was a taco….

Late Nite Cruise on Harbor Lights

I was the Mad Hatter but people also thought I was Lady Gaga so I was the Gaga Hatter / Lady Hatter / Mad Gaga

Celebrated at Marquee

Alice in Wonderland :]

With the crazy hookahed high catepillar aka DIDI

Haunted Carnival

The White Rabbit

I actually ended up getting a lot of photos taken with random people… and a photographer actually gave me a mini photo shoot. WEEE, excitedly awaiting him to send them to me – hopefully he’s not just a perv with a super expensive camera…