Whirlwind Of Food… all in one Night…

I got into town later than planned.. parked da car.. in the… Harvard Yahd, okay fine Pru… And yes, as usual I took a picture of where I parked. To this day, I hate parking in the pru parking lot cuz I always get lost in it…

Good company and a few drinks at the hotel bar….

Our first stop was at Eastern Standard…

Offals of the Day!!!

Calf’s Liver over Mashed Potatoes

Cockscomb & Duck Tongue Pot Pie

Bone Marrow <3

Charcuterie Plate

The most delicious oysters!!! And Clams…

Then we headed to Toro… where we got to meet Jamie Bissonnette and eat a TON of amazing food. Per usual.. ya’ll know my love affair with Toro :] Uni Sammich, Potatoes, CORN!!!… omg I can’t even remember the plethora of food that came to our table.. some compliments of the chef. Freaking genius man.

A lot of parron drinking went on….

And Pig’s Head Paella with Bone Marrow… MMMM Bone Marrow!!!

Then off to Coppa… we walked there… not as close as I wanted it to be, SO FREAKING COLD OUT!!!

The Pig’s Ears was SO GOOD!!!

Meats… and.. the farro that made my fork drop and made me pout.

Tuna Crudo, delish!

We ended the night somehow making it to Beehive…. in the freezing single digit weather.. YEP, me and my fingerless gloves… good job Tiff…  good music, a few drinks, LOTS of water… and meh steak and frites and an OKAY French Onion Soup…. somehow I ended home. [Yep! So proud, drove myself HOME!!!] And slept like this for awhile: