Best Vegas Trip Ever… Britney Spears: Piece of Me [Day 2 – Part Night]

Since we were already toasted… we didn’t have to get any drinks.. and we already bought stuff at the store the day before so we didn’t have to wait in line. We got in and basically ended up front/second row in GA standing room.  Everyone there was WASTED!!!!!!  It was SUCH an amazing show. Britney you are forever a queen.

For more videos go to my youtube Britney playlist. And for more pics visit my facebook public Britney album.

After the craziness and being stuck in the venue, Axis, for ages… we finally got out to see about a 2 hour wait for a taxi… thankfully some guys let us cut in line and we only had to wait 10 min….

Saw this sick car in line

“So if you’re from Boston, do you drink Tea a lot?”

They were cool guys tho, these were the two we talked to the most – we ended up both parties going to Light Nightclub.

“Fuck you Raj!” – Kelly

And we had the time of our lives….. Light is amazing. It’s a Cirque du Soleil themed club.. so we saw acrobats and crazy shizz there.  We ended up going back to the hotel.. and ordering more booze, pizza and onion rings.. which I don’t remember devouring until I was confused the next day and seeing the food and pizza box.

Me+Room Service = Danger Zone, remember?!