Another Scrumptious AA Trip

Another highly anticipated trip aboard AA :D Z’s favorite… haha…

We grabbed some pretels, Auntie Anne’s to be exact as soon as we got into LaGuardia and headed to the Admiral’s Lounge for free drinks.

Pretzel Bites and a freshly made steaming hot almond Pretzel, NOM!

But onwards to being at LGA… and the fact that they’re always DELAYED….

It was the worst… our plane was 3+ hours delayed and we sat around food and boozeless playing words… I eventually gave in and bought some Salt&Vinegar chips and pistachios…. it was 11pm and I was dying of hunger… FINALLY we got to board and we had our meal…


Warm Nuts

I ate most of both of ours :] Everything but the cashews… hahaha not sure why but I’m not a cashew girl….. but obsessed with pecansss… they need MORE in there… but I guess less is more, my heart is now even more fond of the delicious buttery pecans….

Red Wine for him and her :D

Roast Beef/Turkey Sammy with cheeeese…. Warm, toasty adn gooey

Buffalo Chicken Salad w/ Blu Cheese

I liked the salad better haha…but what I really was waiting for was the cookie.. Coconut Toffee coooookie :D It was warm, gooey and deliciously undercooked… everything and more :D


I bought us a few caramel apples at Rocky Mountain nom nom..and some orange peels…

Champagne, Red Wine and WARM NUTS!!!

Stuffed Shells…. Chocolate Chip Cheesecake…. Multigrain roll… I asked for dressing on the side, but they gave me the salad WITH dressing AND dressing on the side… wtf?! *brain fart*

Ooey and gooey and stuffed with cheesy goodnesss…..

Grilled Chicken, Mac&Cheese [basically Cream of Mushroom Noodles] and some steamed Veggies…. with Sourdough bread…

We actually ended up getting Fried Chicken and Mashed Potatoes after watching tons of KFC inspired South Park episodes back at the apartment hehehe….


  1. I LOVE Rocky Mountain! Mmm…


  2. I’m still squee-ing over the fact that I saw my probable future brother in law in your facebook baconfest album!!


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